How to Stop the Comparison Trap with Chrystal Evans Hurst

Published 2023-11-06
Struggling with comparison? What feelings stir up in your heart when you scroll through social media? Do you feel compelled to compare yourself to other people when you see them post about their beautiful homes, perfect relationships, and successful careers?

Let me free you for a second. It is normal to feel this way. If you dig a little deeper, comparison can be an indicator of something worth addressing in your life. I want to share with you how to work through comparison and all of the feelings that come along with it.

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All Comments (21)
  • As a "good" Christian I ignored the reasons WHY I was making comparisons...and took those thoughts captive ...never looking into my heart and asking God:" Lord, what is up with me?" Thank you, Chrystal I have to listen to this again.
  • @Gloriousdevine1
    Ohhh weee this episode got me all the way together. I have let comparison kill me from starting a business. I felt comfortable by staying in the background of other people’s businesses. When I think about it I have helped many people in theirs but put mine dwindled. I thought I wasn’t good enough! That stops NOW! I can do all things through Christ. Thank you to the listeners question and for you responding.
  • @drbrianahampton
    I caught only the last few minutes of this premiere and it was enough for me to catch a major takeaway. Comparison is a tool; I can either use it to continue in a limited or victimized mindset, or I can leverage it as evidence of what is already available to me in abundance/what God desires for me to have. Thank you for this teaching!❤️🙌🏾👏🏾
  • Thank you so much for the incredible wisdom you’ve provided Chrystal! I’ve revisited this video a few times already because it really resonates with where I’m at in life right now. I’m about a week out from my 27th birthday and I want to spend this next year (and beyond) focusing on the ventures God has placed on my heart. I’m pretty tired of the constant loop of procrastination that comes with the comparison trap and watching others do the things I wanna do when I can put that energy towards actually doing them! Something I have to constantly remind myself of is that everyone’s journey is different and the highlight reel is not the full story. Thank you again!
  • @the.victorgeorge
    I remember a while back I was comparing my fitness journey with other people's online and I felt like God straight up asked me, "If I gave you that type of body, would you want it? I said No. Turns out I was comparing myself with something that I don't even want in the first place. Thanks for this video Chrystal. Comparison is the thief of joy.
  • Thank you again Spiriitual Online Bestie, for discipling me again. Can't wait to meet you in person one day. I think that is so spot on about comparison and appreciate the part of maybe you are suppose to be separated, but spoke to those that could work on their marriage. :). Love you much. Elle.
  • @ladyflowers0727
    This was excellent! That part about appreciating your body for what it has seen you through is Life-Changing. Thank you for your sacrifice Crystal...your ministry is needed and appreciated ❤
  • @AltheaMcIntyre
    I love this: "The reason why we compare is because we are focusing on their wins but that usually is an indicator that we have not identified our wins." 🙌
  • @myawilkerson9064
    This was so profound. I have often compare my finances , experiences, career and I realize it comes from insecurity. A feeling of lack when in reality God has given me everything I need. I have to operate in it and soon the very things I aspire to obtain will happen. .Often times I viewed it as wrong ,but this is a great perspective. Use it as a lesson to teach you how to adjust things in your life to ensure you are satisfying your needs. Also, count the cost of the blessing that you are asking for. Such a great lesson. Thank you!
  • Thank you so much ! I too have decided to ditch the diet mentality and stop worshipping "skinny!" I see myself now as healthy and whole and I give glory to God in my body!😊
  • Such a timely lesson. My takeaway is that I already have what I need. I just have to put in the work. What God has for me is for ne🙏❤️
  • @cyndi5510
    Beautiful Blessed SUPERSTAR Morning 🙏🏼💚🐝🦋👑✨ FAMILY
  • Chrystal, thank you❣For your transparency, for your choice of words, for your matter-of-fact delivery, and for sharing from your enlightened perspective to challenge mine, I appreciate you. Thank you for highlighting the difference between coveting & comparing & the healthy ways comparing can bring insight & cause action. Also, your braids are🔥& I am here for it too.!
  • @jmbarnes87
    I needed this as I just lost my job. And I’m like lord !!!I have access
  • @Lady_Clare4
    In response to a previous video, I think the reason people think you are younger than your sister is because you have a beautiful,round baby face. She has a professional,no-nonsense look. Also, you look up to her with no jealousy or competition. You humbly learn from her even though you’re strong and knowledgeable in your own right. She is unspoiled and looks up to you. You two have a great relationship.❤( Great pod cast. I’m a senior citizen & can also benefit from this. Thanks again🌹.)
  • This was an excellent Word. I love your authenticity, it's freeing! Thank you Crystal! 💙👏🏽
  • @martijustice3460
    OMG! This is SO helpful to my soul! Praising the Lord for you Chrystal bringin the heat that helps! Thank you for keeping it real and helping my soul find rest. ❤
  • @cyscott
    Look, let me tell you something sis. YOU HAVE NATURAL BEAUTY ! Girl if I could roll out of bed and look like that…, 😍 I should have let you see a glimpse of my morning look at the retreat 😂. Great message! I never looked at comparison with the perspective of God trying to tell me something. Wow! 🟡
  • I needed to hear this. After my divorce I chose to start a business. I didn't want to be the single mom in a big corporate job who never saw her kids. I'm on a tight budget but I am happier. 😊