I have seen proof of GOD and it's not who people think - The Wicked Bytes

Published 2022-06-14
Apostle T. Mwangi details how he delivered a young man from Satanism, how the New World order is getting established as Vivian Taabu a.k.a Swiry Nyar Kano shares her experience in the journey to seek God, they cannot agree on the definition of who God is.



All Comments (21)
  • Being Religious is believing in the Word and allowing someone else to think for you and control everything about you. Being spiritual is gathering an understanding and building a relationship with GOD, not based on what someone else tells you but figuring it out and bonding on your own.
  • @joybrowne3160
    I have realized something in religious people and it is an observation, not an accusation. Spiritual people express themselves and share information whereas religious people seem to be always trying to convert. In my opinion it all boils down to respect for the opinions and way of life of others. We don't have to disagree so much that we try to convert. Smh.
  • This sister is enlightened... She will never be understood by those who are still asleep. Sis I salut you 🙏🏾👌🏾
  • In these typical videos I'm noticing that our men are lost, the ones who are supposed to lead us. This lady is more than the word smart, I could feel her energy when she talks.
  • @ayopacheco1
    When you don't understand something, you tag it demonic. That is why many people with natural psychic gifts have been killed through the ages. Instead of seeking their insights to better connect with God, we cut God off. God is the sum of all of us and more. She's right. God is everything. It takes a certain depth of understanding to get it.
  • @Nyagah
    You have to be on a certain level of enlightenment to understand what Nyar Kano is talking about.
  • Yes girl yesss witch craft = alchemy we are all alchemist ...cooking is witchcraft drawing a bath is witch craft/alchemy we are here to learn how to manipulate energy ...we are here to learn unity thru diversity..... I just appreciate the fact that we are able to have these types of discussions now without being burned beheaded etc
  • @thenesslife
    I have never experienced God in church. So I stopped going. However I have experienced peace within myself. That calm confident voice inside me that picks me up when I'm falling. And when the inside voice grows quiet coz my fear gets too loud, it starts manifesting itself externally. Whenever I look at screens I see different information. I see quotes on social media, I discover people like miss nyar kano. I am never alone. God manifests himself in everything and everyone. Religion can enlighten you but it has it's limits governed by fear and its true intention is control. That is not the will of God. God's will is for everyone to choose good of their own free will not through control.
  • @vanniyoung1
    I had a near death experience. When i saw God He was light and love. He wasn't a man but The Great Spirit. He loves all of us as tho we are the only one who exist. God is existence to me. Everything is a piece of Him.
  • @bbw1255
    I have been a so called CHRISTIAN ALL MY LIFE I still feel so EMPTY!!!!
  • @RiaLV
    I am Mexican and we grew up having a connection with nature. We are connected spiritually to each and all of the elements. It heals us in many ways!
  • @MacyandTHeREd
    She's very wise. She see's through the vail. Love her.
  • @yahayrawho
    Brother! Mr. T, THANK YOU for spreading FATHER’S TRUTH!!! APTTMH GOD. Just looking at you and the woman, those with discernment CAN SEE HIS HOLY SPIRIT BEAMING from within and out of YOU!!! It’s not surprise how eloquently you laid it down. Sad as it is, you know that most are deaf and blinded to HIS TRUTH. I understand how difficult the righteous path get at times. Please continue OUR FATHERS work. I love you my fellow CHOSEN. ⚔️🙏🏽🔥💛
  • She sat and listened to him speak, and he didn’t give that same respect. No matter what you believe, always be quick to listen, slow to speak, and open-minded. Now I agree with him about acknowledging the creator vs the creation. But, laughing at her during a conversation like this is not the way to go. We should be sharing information and learning from each other and teaching each other, not laughing at each other. We are all one. I am that I am.🧘🏾‍♂️
  • @ImaginaryWear
    I grew up in church with my uncle being a bishop with 7-8 churches under his ministry. But having studied about various religions, for, I’ve seen the single mindset of those who are religious. The Bible teaches that God is all loving yet within the versus God commands the murder of ppl which includes children and accepts spoils ie gold, virgins, so is that love of all. It even states that there shall be no other before me, that is self-pride. People who are spiritual beings believe the creator exists in allll things. I am more spiritual and believe the creator/god self evolved and as a single being exploded, by doing so, this life force hurled into the void bringing forth light and creation, but not all creation is of light. Angels are light beings, jinn are dark/fire beings. The reason intelligent life will say they know not of God because God was that initial spark. She knew what she was talking about but he was not open to hear her, I heard you Sis… The Bible states in genesis “let us make man in our image” who is ‘our’ that is plural not singular. When God brought the plagues upon Egypt each plague affected an Egyptian deity, the killing of the first born was a blow to the goddess Taweret, protective goddess of children. That was a blow to the ppl that their beloved goddess failed them. Religion has always been used as a control, there is always religion and rulers with the rulers seeking heavenly guidance via religion. The druids were spiritual and worshippers of nature and it’s forces, those forces were assigned deities and called upon accordingly. But if we were made in the creators image then we are gods incarnate here on earth and when we speak with intention and conviction it becomes reality, not immediately but continuously it comes… keep saying you dislike your job and the universe will place events in your path where you will lose that job. Now take those thoughts and place into positive convictions and you’ll see positive results. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it simply exist and we are the energy of our creator. Sorry if I rambled, please be kind to an old man’s thoughts 😆🙏🏽
  • She’s is ABSOLUTELY correct! Being a witch was never a bad thing. But man decided it was bad when they didn’t want people using the elements to achieve anything.
  • Nyar Kano , uko right your views of GOD you have it right , you are not confused , you have the knowledge , you are well read , don't get yourself intimidated by anyone , I stand with you , I stopped going to church to look for GOD , for my GOD was not in any building , kaa ladha