Why We Don't See ROMANCE in DISNEY movies anymore?

Published 2024-02-10
Hello and Welcome Shellfriends! 🐚 My name is Millie the Mermaid 🌊🌊🌊

This video topic today could have some CONTROVERSIAL ELEMENTS in it, so just a WARNING ⚠️ for you all up ahead...I'm breaking down and discussing Why Disney doesn't invest into making romantic movies anymore...and I am curious to know what all of you think. REMEMBER! TO ALWAYS BE RESPECTFUL, to the Mermaid and your other fish (audience) in the sea. Refrain from using profanity, or you will get "beaching" (get blocked). Otherwise! Have fun and let your imagination soar!

All Comments (21)
  • 🫧Hey Shellfriends! Please feel free to share your genuine feelings about this topic! I love hearing from all of you.☺️ 🫧🌊🌊🌊 #swimto5k
  • @Psycopathicus
    Certainly, Disney shouldn't JUST tell love stories, or try to force them into everything, but cutting them out entirely has been a major overreaction. The magic of love is a major part of their traditional brand, and yeah, sometimes they haven't always done it perfectly, but they've always done it WELL. Two more examples I would site would be Roger and Anita from '101 Dalmatians' and Bernard and Miss Bianca from the 'Rescuers' films. In the former case, it's not love at first sight; they're two normal, decently-attractive people who get thrown into each other's lives via their crazy dogs, build a relationship offscreen, and get married - we don't see most of that, but we may presume it was a nice, normal, sweet romance just like countless real-life examples. As for Bernard and Bianca, they're an odd-couple relationship that takes time to grow, but they're obviously made for each other, and you're cheering them on all the way - there's really no way to replicate that sort of thing onscreen via anything other than a traditional romance.
  • @beanallene
    Personally, I thought Encanto had a really good story. And when it showed the grandfather losing his life it was so heart wrenching 😢
  • I would like to point out that in Merida's case, she did say that wasn't ready to get married when her mother wanted to, and she was simply asking to be allowed to get there on her own time without parental pressure. It took time, but her mother did finally agree that it was best to allow Merida to get ready for marriage on her own time. Mirabel's story was about helping her entire family see that all the members are much more important than their gifts, and that it's important to allow everyone's imperfections.
  • @lilac3266
    I feel like you don’t need romance in every story but for wish in particular it was needed. Simply because we don’t have any emotional stakes for asha. She claims her family are her motivation but when do we actually see her interacting with them? her family are background characters who only show up twice for the whole film. If we had starboy and established an emotional connection between him and asha there would be stakes to be invested in. Because you see that connection form and grow attached. Moana and encanto don’t need love interests because both main characters are shown to have meaningful interactions with their families acting as the emotional stakes. Asha has none of that so needs someone to be motivation for her
  • @Shaylovespopeye
    It’s not just Disney it’s every where it’s really sad I’m getting sick of it
  • @MushBunny
    I wanted the Starboy character with Wish! It might just be because I love the dynamic “Unhuman, from other dimensions (or just a monster) and girl.” (In every type of relationship, not just romantic) so I really want a little romance in the next original Disney movie. And if I have to write it so be it!
  • I think the decline of romance really started after the popularity of frozen. After that, they are superhero men who don’t need women to be happy, And vice versa with the Disney princesses. Now into today’s garbage era or shall I say flop era. Ditching romance and Overcoming conflicts together storylines That makes the movie extra special. Any man would love to see when a prince Learn from the princess he loves, And vice versa. Besides romance is the reason why Disney was financially successful, But not anymore. And for the near future, it seems to me that will slowly destroy itself and making flop movies that will kill the studio much harder than the black cauldron did in the 80s. Now male and female characters treat each other like competitive rivals instead of compromising lovers.
  • @Satanna.avemaria
    I don’t know about the view on Cinderella’s arch, but I got everything else you said. Cinderella just wanted a fun night out away from the turmoil she was experiencing at home. And, look at Bridgeton. It’s very popular, because people still crave romance ❤️💖🌸 I would love to see a Jane Austin style movie by Disney 🥰
  • @Quanetria
    I really want old Disney back I want classic fairy tales where prince finds his princess and they live happyly ever after And also as much as I love Disney princesses and I would also like movie only about prince where he is main character....not princess, I want movie where he would go on adventure or movie about prince who is hopeless romantic and wants to find true love, it would teach young people that not only girls/women want love but also guys too So far the only movies with male main character we have only Aladdin and Tarzan
  • @Digitalfairy
    I like the old stories with the romance regardless, wanted to see more fairytale stories, AND also VERY dangerous villains - representing the fight of good vs evil! THAT was the Disney style I enjoyed. Nowadays we just get lame family dramas fulls of jerks anybody can see any other day of the year, not enough adventure.
  • @orphancripler
    i have never been a romance guy, but there's one thing that i miss about romance in older movies that won't apply to new ones and that's how people react and interact with the movies and the characters, if they are taken and the relationship is good then nothing will happen, which is good, but if they are single then debates around them will be born and these debates are never good or enjoyable, some saying "oh yeah, she doesn't have a boyfriend, therefore she is a lesbian/asexual/something else" or "She and X could make a beautiful couple | No, she and Y could make an awesome couple" etc. and that will extend for a very long time. I find romance inside media to be annoying for the plot since I can barely think of any examples where romance adds to the plot and characters, but a while ago I came to the realization that romance inside media prevents some bullshit outside the media. PD: media does not change someone's perspective on life all that drastically, when you are into something you will look for things that fit that something. Media doesn't shape society, individuals look for media that fits their personal mold.
  • @qryptid
    We don't need romance in every story and I am absolutely *tired* of a perfectly good story being ruined by shoehorning in a romance. Anna and Kristoff being a side story was perfect for frozen. You had romance but we also had *story*. We can have both and it can be so good! Wish could have been good if they made so many different choices, and one of the biggest mistakes they made was running away from the love story it could have had, Asha could have had love and also conquered evil with the help of her friends, it could have bolstered the story and made us care more. But Disney doesn't do moderation. They're either all in on romance with no thought or will not touch it with a 10 foot pole. Refusing to do romance period is just as tiring as it being forced into everything. Disney really needs to just get back into good storytelling with stories that sometimes have romance and sometimes dont but always have deep and beautifully vulnerable characters connecting with each other.
  • @reecepierce
    Disney is the reason why i wanted romantic relationship because i think it be magical
  • @biguy617
    I have lost interest in Disney movies. I don’t know if I want to watch anymore of them.
  • @LunarKittenboi
    Well in Pixar we do like in elemental and Pixar is a part of Disney
  • @Desiray77
    It was definitely needed for Wish.. You can tell they cut out a lot in that movie
  • @y-tiplex
    I personally think we're just going from one extreme to another. back in disney's "hay day" they did have a lot of good romance stories but also too many I think. everything was about romance and I think it needed more variety. I love the choice they made with frozen to make it about sisterly love. I don't think having a love interest for elsa would have been the right choice because she was such a closed off person having trouble even being around her sister where as ana was so open about meeting new people as she was so desperate that it made sense to show her finding someone. having them both find love would have been a bit unrealistic and also distract from the story. there are reasons I can see for not putting romance in some of the other mentioned movies too. like how in brave there was a huge focus on how she wanted to be allowed not to marry and how that created conflict with her mother. giving her a love interest could have undermined that and made it seem like her mother was right all along. now there are perhaps too few love stories and we need more variety again but I still think making too many stories without romance is more interesting than making too many about it. there are just so many ways you can take a non-romantic story. the stories you mentioned minus wish were all great and didn't get repetitive at all to me because they were so different.
  • @Robohead-z6z
    I disagree someone being single≠loneliness. I think they could also focus on platonic relationships instead of them being alone.
  • Yeah, I miss the love stories. As someone wanting to be a stay-at-home dad, I've had periods where I'm too focused on finding a girlfriend, but I've always been nervous that wanting to be friends with a girl might make her think I'm jumping into romance too fast. Even so, all the girls I befriend/talk to seem to already be dating someone, regardless if I had romantic intentions or not.