Best Bad Parking Revenges Caught On Camera

Published 2024-06-21
Best Bad Parking Revenges Caught On Camera

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All Comments (21)
  • @kbramlett6877
    I have had a Handicap parking placard for quite some time. Every time I got home, I found the same car in the handicap space. This went on for a while until I just happened to catch the lady doing so. I asked her what makes you so entitled that you have the right to park there when you do not have proper documentation. She ripped me a new one. I reported my findings to the management of my apartment complex along with showing them my documents. They said that they would take care of it. Obviously, they never did. I told them that if they did not remedy the situation, I would take care of it myself, but it would not be anything destructive. A couple days later, the same woman, the same car parked in the handicapped space. I walked over to her apartment and tried to reason with her and that was not happening. "She said, "What are you going to do about it?" I said, "Trust me." I summoned the police and showed the date-stamped pics of her car parked illegally. He put a ticket on her car and told me to call back in about an hour if she did not move her car. An hour passed, and I called back. Within 10 minutes a tow truck arrived and I walked outside. As the driver and I were talking, the Karen came running outside begging the tow truck driver not to tow her car. The driver said that he had orders from the Sheriff's Office to tow your car. The Karen looked at me and once again started cussing me out. I said to her, "I told you to trust me."
  • @iluvdrywall
    When I was about 12 years old, my family owned a little corner store across the street from a high school. My dad parked his 1978 chevy luv pickup (a small truck) on the side of the building. 18 feet from the building was the neighbor's fence. The high school kids decided to mess with my dad one day by picking up the truck and moving it so the front was against the building, and the rear end was against the fence. When he went to leave the store about 3 pm, he could not move it enough to get it out. He was mad as the kids were watching and laughing from across the street. But it was all in good fun as they came over and moved the truck so he could get out. My dad told that story and laughed about it for years after.
  • @Beatlefan67
    Is it me or are there a high proportion of BMW's?
  • @KATONKA...
    Love the 1 with the handcuffs and the wheelchair to the car so much I spent a day going to all the goodwills and secondhand stores buying every walker under $10 most of them were only 2 or $3 need I say more? Metall zip ties are cheaper than handcuffs.
  • Q: What do you do in London when you see a spaceman? A: You park in it, man.
  • @alancrisp1582
    Some of these revenge clips are really funny. But others are clearly vandalism !.....
  • @smgdfcmfah
    Just an FYI, if you drive a full sized pick up truck, then you barely even fit in half the spaces out there. I drive a company truck and I usually park far from any doors so I can get clear spaces - then I back in or pull through with my passenger side tight to the line so I can get back in on the driver's side when someone inevitably parks next to me. Sometime people that are working actually need extra space to get their equipment/tools in and out of their work vehicle. Another things that happens sometimes (especially in parking areas with faded paint or when there's been snow) is that cars won't part between the lines somewhere and others will just park "off of them". Before you know it, the spaces are all messed up and you're forced to just park where there's room. If a bunch of people leave before you do, it just looks like you parked like an A-hole. The point is, SOMETIMES there's a reason people park funny, so give it some thought before you try to ruin someone's day just because you have nothing better to do. IF, however, you know they just parked like a prick on purpose - then have at 'em!
  • Your video has so many good moments, I didn't waste any time relaxing with it
  • @stevedavis5704
    Most places with towing ordinances state that once you are hooked up you have to pay the fees to get the vehicle unhooked. Even if you don’t go anywhere you have to pay the towing fee. In my state you also have to pay any fines before you can get your vehicle back.
  • Yes, I can’t believe that the cops didn’t chase that guy down and give him several tickets. Littering, driving a vehicle with the windshield blocked, impeding traffic, and several other charges. But no, they didn’t do shit just like the cops that don’t do anything around here.
  • @NoEgg4u
    @11:54 -- That car was parked legally. The home owner acts like he owns the public street. That home owner is a jerk.
  • @j.thomas7128
    3:03 justice would have the officer give that adult aged child a ticket for illegal parking AND a LITTERING TICKET for every post-it that hit the ground! I see at least 100 individual littering tickets @100 each makes his fine 10,000 minimum!
  • @Greylocks
    Construction crews have all kinds of nice tools to move anything. Or they can incorporate a car INTO a structure. Same deal for blocking emergency services; a fire engine WILL be able to move you or dismantle you out of the way.
  • Remember something, as much as it can be satisfying, if you move someone else car for whatever reason and there's damage : you are liable for the damages.
  • @cathybenson5119
    There was an Aussie bloke who had his car blocked in by the same car time n time again. Leaving notes on the car didn't solve the problem. So, he got his mates to help him move it. He got some wheels on a platform n moved the car into a spot where it was blocked in by a concrete wall n a concrete pillar. This was in a parking spot of an apartment block. The owner of the car had to wander around til he found it. Very funny video.
  • @g8ymw
    6:05 Living up (or is it down?) to the stereotype of a BMW owner