Wolves protect their young from Brown Bear [Captions]

Published 2023-08-28
Watch as a family of wolves protect their young from a brown bear in the Naliboki forest. In the video you can see the parent wolves and their five pups in their housing area. Suddenly, a brown bear appears nearby the pups, and the parent wolf detects its presence by smelling its tracks. The parent wolves then chase the bear away from the pup location, ensuring their safety.
[Captions in English available. Click on the CC button to turn them on.]

All Comments (16)
  • @kavanakolach3107
    Wow, it's just breathtaking! How the wolf makes sharp movements to scare the bear, and how the couple works as a team
  • @dbyers3897
    I had the volume down so I couldn't the beep-beep as the bear was reversing.
  • @ArabicwithSam
    When I read the title, I was like: "Nah they don't. This will be a video about a brown bear digging up a den and eating 5 pups". But fair enough, I was completely wrong. Well done mum and dad!
  • @iberianwildlife
    Extraordinarias imágenes del lobo. Os seguimos desde España 😉👌
  • @realmahadeo
    great shots. looks like the bear is small, probably a young one and easy to chase away, am I correct?
  • I don’t wanna be a body builder…I just want the shoulders and arms of a grizzly
  • @natnat417
    Bear shows us how to escape from wolves.
  • @forestmandos
    Ух ты! Якія рэдкія кадры! А вы не ведаеце, колькі цяпер пражывае мядзведзяў у Налібаках?
  • @amerboss99
    If wolves attack in packs surrounding targets, what can stop them?
  • @McCracken216
    A full grown grizzly/brown bear will usually dominate a pack of wolves when there is something to fight for, such as food. I don't see cubs present here, at least not small cubs that the bear could catch and eat. This was simply the bear avoiding a pointless confrontation, nothing more.