Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like | Disrupt Aging

Published 2016-04-08
What age do you consider to be old? We posed that question to millennials in this social experiment and asked them to show us what “old” looks like. Then we introduced them to some real “old” people. Watch what happens when folks let go of their outdated beliefs and embrace the idea that aging is not about decline - it’s about growth. Learn more about our efforts to #DisruptAging:

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All Comments (21)
  • @MrAttilaabri
    "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing"
  • @smstroud70
    Well I just had my 80th birthday June 30th, and I still feel like I did in my 20's. I still take a tap class at Ole Miss, and I'm a hula dancer. I have 5 kids, 8 grandkids and 5 great-grands! I am truly Blessed!
  • @willowworks
    Thank u. I am 55 and treated like I'm beyond opportunity at my work. I wish this type of education was wider spread
  • @edl6398
    There is so much age discrimination and it is so sad. Everyone gets old (unless they die young) and it's a good time of life - for me, it's great. I just feel sorry for our society that we think it's horrible to get older. It's not. It's society that tries to make it that way. I like myself far better than I ever did when I was younger. Life is so much easier and more enjoyable.
  • @JordanVanRyn
    I's beautiful when people of different ages learn and experience something new from each other.
  • There is a growing negative narrative about "oldness" by the younger generation that is disturbing. I am so glad this video addresses the issue head on.
  • @thebucrew6
    I just turned 27 so younger than most of these millennials and I don’t think 50-70 is old!!! I see old as when you can’t do the things you were once able to do. I know people my age who act old and sickly and then my mom who is 55 runs around with my dad who is 56 like they are a bunch of teenagers! They look like they are in their 40s and I hope to look like them when I am their age! This is 2019 let’s stop putting people in categories and let’s live! ♥️ I have three beautiful children and I am married to a wonderful man so at 27 I am so happy and can’t wait to see what my life brings to us.
  • When they said 50’s and described how people in their 50’s act I was literally in shock, I am 51 and most of my friends are in their 50s as well. All of them are in great health condition, from my brother in law riding mountain bike tracks, my good friend riding dirt motorcycles to my auntie that is 80 and does not miss any of her multiple salsa/zumba/yoga classes 😂
  • I'm younger than all of them and i wouldn't even say 50's is old, wtf?
  • @DonnaMartini
    I loved being a part of this video! Such a great message that we never have to deny our age when spend the time defying it! Thank you AARP for this amazing opportunity to support my fellow baby boomers! <3
  • @philgraybeard
    The real "old" people in the video are old. They are acting their age. Being old is not a disability, it is an achievement. We need to stop using old as a pejorative and remember it is just a relative term. Old does not equal infirm.
  • @robo.bobbin
    Aww, this brought tears to my eyes. I'm 45 and feel so "old" at times (exhausted, hopeless, ready for the next life)...and then others, I feel like a 10 year old (scared, curious, excited to try new things). Seeing these people of all ages sharing, laughing,'s what this life is all about. ❤️
  • I don't want to shock these folks but I]m 85 - do 50 push ups. and 70 sit ups and a bunch more several days a week - travel the seven continents, write, photo, etc., etc.
  • @DearSybersue
    The smart millennials are the ones who understand that age does not define a person. These are the men and women who will be successful in life. People over 45 are not invisible and are some of the best teachers you will ever have in your lives! This also goes for employers in the workforce that seem to think they only need young blood in the building. Companies that hire all ages will be around the longest because they get it! This includes all these new millennial businesses as well. It's not all about 18-35...Why not learn from people who have walked the walk of life? Yes, I'm old but I still have a lot to learn and have many experiences to teach others. It's not easy being a talk show host on YouTube with the young viewership freely making their opinionated comments, but I still persevere because I want to help others avoid making some of the life choices and mistakes that I did. Cheers to 50+!! Dear Sybersue xo
  • I'm 48 and surprised at the ages the millennials in the video considered old.I remember being in elementary school in the late 70s and thinking someone is old when they get to 65, a senior citizen. I wasn't even 10 years old then. So it's surprising to me that many years later when people are living longer and heathier than before some of the millennials consider 40s and 50s old.
  • I'll be 68 in a week, and I started skating at the age of 48. I know a man who recently celebrated his 85th birthday by inline-skating down the California St. hill in San Francisco. I'm also learning to skate at skateboard parks, and now that I'm retired, I can go to skateparks every day. Age is just a number. (And yes, I do have arthritis. Gotta keep movin'!) ;)
  • @dancinggrandma
    I'm 72 and called the "Dancing Grandma" in the suburbs where I live. I've been free style dancing (Tina Turner style) for a decade to Motown bands. I'm on the floor when every band starts before people start to come out and every time there are many young women who approach me saying, "I want to be just like you when I'm older" People say "I love you" and hug me all of the time. I feel 40 and probably act like it, too. The thing about age is that the older you get, the more you can get away with. I don't dress age-appropriately and have many young men gushing over me. I love it.
  • @kikilicious99
    One of them said 40 was old. I'm 40 and have 2 brothers, 32 and 35. They are millennials but I'm a generation X child. I feel like we're the same in abilities and appearances and knowledge of current culture like social media and popular music. It's amazing how a category or number changes perceptions.
  • @Ready2_Go
    Love this. Age is a mindset. Some people tell me to act my age and I reply, I've never been this age before, I don't know how to act this age.
  • @digitalgliff
    Not old, just older. Words to live by. Remember that millineals.