I went to North Korea AND South Korea. My experience was night and day

My time in North Korea...

Yes - I went to both Koreas: North Korea AND South Korea. Not many people do that. But I did. And for the first time ever...I want to show you what I learned.

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コメント (21)
  • @Woofa1
    Man, its so sad to see north korea's situation, people starving living everyday not knowing if they will make it to the next day, i pray for the safety of these inoccent people ❤, and for south korea, i enjoy seeing their success as a country!
    This video has a great lesson, teaching us that today's choices can have an impact on our future. Thank you for your efforts, Nas Daily.
  • You are right "its not about democracy,its about the Leader" I am from Northeast India(Manipur) and we suffer a Religious,caste clash within a state.
  • Yes, for a long time I've been study politic and this is the first time I heard someone has the same thought like me. It's all about the leader. And thank you for everything. ❤
  • @daisy5605
    Thanks for this .. I love South Korea culture so much ..hope to explore in future after graduation..
  • "Ideologies is the another way of separation although we have same culture, language but ideologies are the political weapon which can destroy the unity". --North and South Korea
  • @owlet13
    as a south korean, i really feel bad for the people suffering under the regime up north. reunification would be great for all of us, but until then, the 75 million koreans are all living under the threats of war. hopefully things change soon
  • Please!!! do the same video for ethiopia, and thanknyou a lot for nas daily for what you brings to us keep it up ❤❤❤
  • @YellowThereBG
    I love your informative and fun videos at the same time ❤!
  • చాలా బాగుంది వీడియో. మనం ఎన్నుకునే లీడర్ దేశాన్ని ఎలా కాంతి వంతం చేయగలడు.. ఎలా చీకటి మయం చేయగలడో చక్కగా చూపించారు. అది మనల్ని, మన తరతరాలను ఎలా నాశనం /బాగు చేస్తుందో చక్కగా వివరించి, చూపించారు. థాంక్యూ 🙏🏽👍🏼ఫ్రొం ఇండియా. తెలంగాణ 💐
  • @thaesuplayz
    Thank you for the explanation Now I'm inspired by you and I'll go to countries like you Because of you nasdaily I got inspired by you I imagined when I'm 18 I'll do things like you
  • @jeetn2007
    Who just appreciates and thanks him for posting such educational, informative and valuable content ❤ ?
  • @akandeeniola
    What a risk 😮. Thanks so so much for showing and teaching all these.super amazing content 💯✅. Welldone,Nas.
  • @O.I.S21
    If democracy is done right (like in switzerland) it is much better than a dictatorship.
  • @LaRacine
    Hello Nasdaily I'm Senegalese living in Senegal as well. This must be the very first time I've commented on your videos. And this really melted my heart. The narrative, the lesson, the moral everything speaks in this video.
  • You’re so right! I hope they will reunite in the future!!
  • @ssn5885
    No video could ever describe between these two countries as NAS daily did. Kudos to you man