GOOGLE LAYOFFS - developers fired before developer conference...

Published 2024-04-30

All Comments (21)
    American companies love american as customers... but they find them expensive as employees
  • @dvdragon
    Never give up hope. Keep building things with code. Study up for interviews. That fentanyl dealer three tents down from yours needs a new web app.😅
  • @f14flyer11
    We are heading to an economy that is going to make 2008 look like a walk in the park...
  • @rivasimri
    Workers just gotta seize the means of tech, and fire these CEOs and managers that got us into this mess.
  • The whole tech industry employment is in trouble, along with the economy in general. When the recession starts, the music stops. Technology workers are playing musical chairs and there aren’t enough chairs.
  • Those people thought they were special, but in reality they really weren't special.
  • @gapho5198
    The Crash is coming. Record layoffs and unemployment, record inflation, record division, record poverty, record instability, record bubble markets. It's gonna be so damn bad.
  • @aajas
    The tech industry got flushed in 2001 and 2008. 16 years without a flush is a long time
  • @termyfl2677
    Search engines tech industry live on business ads. When business disintegrated, ads revenue gone with the wind, layoffs are inevitable
  • @jayhoward590
    Eli. Please let me give you a compliment. I’ve been watching your videos a long time. You’re so very knowledgeable. Your first videos, the audio was hard for me because I’m a little bit hearing impaired. Now, it sounds like you have an integrated Lavalier microphone and it’s picking you up loud and clear. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. If the spirit moves you, and you would like to revisit some of the older topics with this new audio system, it would be wonderful to have updated knowledge from you. Again, you have a lot of followers because you are very smart and I thank you For the new audio. I’ve not been able to listen to you in a long time because I struggled to understand what you were saying. About 10% of the population has hearing issues. Thanks again!!
  • @Lias9958
    Always great to end my day with Eli
  • @morezco
    Thanks for your valuable perspective
  • @PQK
    Fascinating perspective!
  • Just because someone is educated doesn't mean they're not stupid...otherwise doctors wouldn't be driving their Tesla off a cliff. His wife was ragging on him that he was a failure. Everyone survived the plunge. I guess she was right.
  • @deathlife2414
    Eli when are you going to talk about the new law that says no tax write off for software development
  • @pradyumn2692
    Daily blob is like a techno Grim Reaper having a convict's appearance and talking about layoffs. I will be honored if my company will be mentioned here.
  • @josephb8268
    I just love the way you explain things Eli. 😂