Simon Sinek: If You Don't Understand People, You Don't Understand Business

Published 2012-11-16
About this presentation

In this wide-ranging talk, ethnographer and leadership expert Simon Sinek discusses the importance of trust, authenticity, and meaning. Sinek argues that as individuals and companies, everything that we say and do is a symbol of who we are. And it is only when we communicate our beliefs authentically that we can attract others to our cause, and form the bonds that will empower us to achieve truly great things.

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0:32 how can you help the human race progress?
1:06 when you're surrounded by people who believe in what you believe something remarkable happens
1:30 we need trust
1:45 willing to experiment which needs failure
2:10 we're not goo by ourselves
2:28 the goal is not to fix our weakness but to amplify strengths
4:00 advantages
4:09 what are you in pursuit of?
7:07 we don't trust everyone. we trust people in our community but you have to know what to look for
7:35 authenticity matters (symbols of who we are)
8:35 if you say/do what you believe you will attract people that believe what you believe
10:23 Ability as designers is to create those tools of belief
18:16 spirit of generosity
18:20 willing to give to someone who will be willing to give to us
18:59 fulfillment - when you do something for someone else
20:09 when trust emerges, survival and progress goes up
21:36 how does that person encourage us to give?
25:58 100% of customers/clients and employees are people
24:20 anecdote
30:06 what are you doing to help the person next to you?

About Simon Sinek

A trained ethnographer and the author of Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, Simon Sinek has held a life-long curiosity for why people and organizations do the things they do. Studying the leaders and companies that make the greatest impact in the world and achieve a more lasting success than others, he discovered the formula that explains how they do it. Sinek's amazingly simple idea, The Golden Circle, is grounded in the biology of human decision-making and is changing how leaders and companies think and act.

His innovative views on business and leadership have earned him invitations to meet with an array of leaders and organizations, including Microsoft, Dell, SAP, Intel, Chanel, Members of the United States Congress, and the Ambassadors of Bahrain and Iraq.

Sinek recently became an adjunct staff member of the RAND Corporation, one of the most highly regarded think tanks in the world. He also works with the non-profit Education for Employment Foundation to help create opportunities for young men and women in the Middle East region. He lives in New York, where he teaches graduate level strategic communications at Columbia University.

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All Comments (21)
  • @MrCooper83
    I read his books (Start With Why, and Leaders Eat Last) and I watched many of his speech. He changed my life. This is a great person and I think many people would agree if I say that WE need more people like Simon!
  • @TeriConrad
    Values. Generosity. Humanity. SO appreciate Simon Sinek's message "100% of customers are people. 100% of clients are people. 100% of employees are people. Make it about THEM. Not about you. If you don't understand PEOPLE you don't understand BUSINESS." ~SO MANY great quotes within this presentation! WELL WORTH the watch!
  • @glendabliss2270
    Most of this was not new information for me, I am 66 years old and have lived long enough to see all these scenarios play out. However your presentation put it all together in a way that I comprehend it for the first time. I am retired from Oil business and it was frowned upon to go to someone's office to talk about idea. ..... "Put it in a email" .... even worse was the suggestion we CC our Boss. Good news is; I recently started my own business and I am so excited to be the kind of leader that loves and brings out the best in every associate. Thank You; Old Dog Learns a New Trick and Wears a Red Hat! May God Bless You!
  • @irma7293
    Optimal pitch for all people: "If you only give once a month, please think of me next time."
  • "Work with people who believe on what you believe." That's the most important thing that I got from this video. Very important, very interesting...Thanks!!
  • @jessfragrance
    It's so simple. If we understand Human Behavior, we will lead a peaceful and successful life.
  • @Comliance
    Aristotle told us: "We are what we do daily. So excellence isn't founded on only one excellent single action, it is a habit!" If you believe in excellence surround yourself with excellent people. People who really share your belief in excellence. And you will reach your goals ;-)
  • ❤ It is a great man or woman that asks "How can we help the human race and species progress?". All need to see this and change the world.
  • @angelopeiris
    Wow, it's 7-years-old video and the message is still so powerful ❤. What a great man
  • @laurenbouhnik
    This guy has just become my favorite person in the world!
  • @Seungjos
    Wonderful speech, personally I try to be as nice as I can to people, even if they aren't nice to me. And yes, that is kind of a dangerous thing to do, but I do it anyway. Just to feel that I am a good enough person. It is my choice to be good to others. People often ask me, why are you so nice, why are you doing this for me? And if it's a person I feel comfortable with or whom I just like, I tell them that I just feel like doing it. I feel like making their day. It's true, that when you give that homeless person money, you get a great feeling of accomplishment and  pride inside yourself. Being generous even when you don't have that much to give is the most wonderful thing. People might even help you more. My point is, there's not point in being a greedy person. I once was that, I never wanted to give anyone anything, because it was mine. But I found the joy in giving people something of me. It makes me happy to see them happy. Have a great day!  
  • It’s not Mother Nature, it is God who guide us to love our neighbour , as we love ourselves.
  • @ExistNNature
    Simon makes sense about a lot of things, he breaks it down so effortlessly. Give someone a chance to prove you wrong or right about their existence.. #ExtendAHand
  • @nv181
    I'm in love with this guy. He is a genius.Simon Sinek , Thank you so much for sharing your great ideas with us. You  inspire me to stop concentrating on my selfish goals and do something for other people.
  • @kosalpanharith1
    understanding people is good, but the first thing for running the successful business need to understand yourself first. 
  • @PamelaGJ
    1. Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you. Pray for them that spitefully use you and persecute you. 2. Love you neighbor as yourself. 3. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 4. Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, press down and shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that you met with all it shall be measured to you again.
  • @jimpappas3
    Insightful, passionate and convincing. Watch this, you will become better because of it. 
  • One thing that helps me create trust is something I learned from an amazing ted video. With the same principle of common ground, I learned to see people and see for their experiences. And the emotion they felt when they were experiencing them. Their pain of abandonment, anger, frustration, complaint, joy, peace, euphoria, love, confusion etc etc. I also tap into their motivation behind what they do. Their need to be peace with themselves, their need to feel important, their need to express their originality and be loved for that. Their need to have someone their for them etch etc. And these are things I know in my own life. And I just listen to others and tap into that part of their story which I can already relate to. And boom! We are close! This way of perceiving life and relating with others have given me a passage into any human beings heart. And thus I am no longer alone in this world.