Daz Watches Changing Babies Nappy Consent


コメント (21)
  • My parents never asked me if I wanted to be born. They should have, and now I'm going to sue them because I never gave consent.
  • Child protective services shows up; "Ma'am, your baby hasn't been changed for days, It's sitting in it's own poop, you haven't fed them or picked them up. What kind of parenting is that"? ... Mother "They didn't give me permission" CPS "OH! our bad, sorry for disturbing you. Have a nice day"!
  • Mother giving birth Nurse: may I deliver you? baby says no in sign language Nurse: well ok guess we'll have to wait another day or two
  • 📱 "911, what's your emergency?" "Yes, uh, this lady seems to be- oh, OH, OH GOD, OH NO" "Please I'm going to need you to describe the situation, sir!" "Sh-She's changing the diaper without concent!"
  • If you have to tell yourself you need permission to change a child to state that you’re doing it in a non sexual way, then you’re the problem.
  • @CrazyLipz
    Me: "Son, can I change your diaper?" Son: "Nah fam, I love being dirty"
  • @Lekinn_
    Baby left in dirty nappy for few days: sick from a fecal infection Parent: hurry and give consent already I can't change you until you allow it
  • @dudo9139
    Next on the morning show: Animal expert says that you should have to ask your dogs consent to watch it excrete.
  • Mother: "Who wants their diaper changed?" Baby: IS THAT SEXUAL HARASSMENT
  • If she makes up this nonsense about changing diapers, imagine what she says about breast feeding 🤔
  • "I actually can see her point..." ME: Breaths in Claps hands together Points fingertips forward ME: BOI
  • “They die their hair purple” me sitting here with my freshly died purple hair 😐
  • I’m Australian. I remember seeing this on sunrise and I just turned the tv off tbh
  • Pretty sure my baby fussing and crying because it's dirty is them giving me consent to change it.
  • @mimik2561
    Ive worked at a daycare and 99% of children do not want to stop playing for their diaper to be changed. They dont understand that if their diaper doesnt get changed after being soiled, theyll get a rash. They dont understand the consequences of not being changed. They would rather play with their toys. Also, Daz is 100% right that babies do not have control over their bodies. Ive seen infants try to get food in their mouth for like 20 min because they cant figure out how to move their hands from the plate to their mouth. Ive literally watched a baby try to est a cheerio and smash it into their forehead repeatedly while their mouth is wide open and drooling. Does the baby know that making eye contact is giving consent? Do you think they come out the womb understanding languages? I dont speak Japanese but if someone was asking for my consent in Japanese telling me that eye contact is giving consent, how am i supposed to know? How do you explain something to someone without them being able to understand your language?
  • Personally, I think the idea of letting your child know that they have a say in what happens to them is a good thing and maybe asking when they're a little bit older is fine like whatever but from birth?? That's excessive and unnecessary
  • @moe7411
    Yea but doesn’t the baby give ‘consent’ when they cry for their parent to change their nappy?
  • 1960: THE FUTURE WILL BE GREAT!! 2018: changing nappies are RAPE! CONSENT CONSENT
  • Mum: can I change your nappy hun? Son: wagwan nah fam that’s rank I stan a dirty nappy bruv
  • @vgyguv
    2:58 sounds like he is saying “Have you seen da-baby!”