FLIR Infrared Camera proves NIST and 9/11 Commission Lies LOOK!!!!

Published 2009-01-28
This video was not made by me, nor did i have anything to do with its production. I am simply helping to get this info out to the world.

For those who say that the camera only records external temperatures let me say you are wrong, as i emailed and received a response from a flir camera website which said that if Carol was within the min distance and aimed the camera at the hole (by the pictures in this video it appears she did) the camera would get an accurate temp of the inside of the building. the reading she got was nowhere near what they needed to be to weaken the structure.

Check out Teshnic or AlienScientist's Channel, all credit should go to them

Carol Ciemiengo was near the World Trade Center on 9/11 and aimed her infrared camera at the towers

All Comments (7)
  • @eddyk3
    Fires are invisible at 90-110'c. That alone debunks the whole flir camera thing.
    guess you cant read huh ? or is it that you chose not to. read description. where did you find this info about the building engineer, i would love to read up on this, gimme a name
    I have done research, have you ? because if you had you would see some real problems with the Gov version of 9/11. Aug 6 2001 Condoleeza Rice received a memo stating Bin Laden was planning an attack using planes into buildings. What did she do with this info? Nothing!!! Also, if you read the update i posted on this video you would see that the Flir Website i contacted told me that the temperature Camera would record the temperature inside the building But Governments are honest right ?
  • @philp3914
    Look up home made furnace “jet fuel mixed with paper burns for a long time”
    and, you believe that the fireproofing was just blown off ? lol , just like the last comment, read descriptions before you start.