DF Retro: Star Wars Shadows of the Empire Revisited on N64 and PC!

Published 2019-12-15
Released at the tail-end of 1996 during Nintendo 64's launch window, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire gained massive attention owing to some phenomenal graphics - but there was a PC version too that was arguably even prettier... if you had the right hardware. Join John Linneman for a retrospective on Shadows of the Empire on N64, along with detailed analysis of the PC version, running on contemporary hardware!

The action figure shots were provided by Kent Sorlie who has other cool photographs over at www.instagram.com/kentendoworld/

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All Comments (21)
  • @RichMcLaughlin
    The amount of effort that goes in to gathering all this footage with different hardware and options is nuts. Excellent work.
  • @CinemaStix
    Ah, man. I wish they would do DF Retros just a bit more often.
  • Worlds did feel massive on the N64 and there was this extra smoothness that really stood out. Nice to know countless years later I'd learn it's texture filtering and AA
  • @Reluctant_Hero
    Man, this really makes me want to see John produce an episode of DF Retro dedicated to Stars Wars Rogue Squadron!
  • @DesertRainReads
    They never should've shut down LucasArts, they were an amazing developer and publisher. I miss them, EA never should've received the rights to the franchise. Huge mistake on Disney's behalf.
  • @arbiter-
    DF Retro is my favorite series on this channel, however I also really like Alex's explanations of PC settings and the tech behind them. Looking forward to whatever you guys are cooking up next.
  • @detonator620
    A proper DF Retro episode for a long time. You almost make me cry it's like a time machine. I'm from that time and everything YOU said about that game and technology of that era is just squeezing a drop from my eyes! Thank you John for your tremendous work!!!
  • N64 always had an immense sens of SCALE, right from the get-go, with Mario 64 and Turok blowing my little mind, these games featured structures and environments larger than any I would be allowed to venture into on my own IRL for quite some years to come... Imagine being in Grade 1 and your entire IRL world is essentially your house, your school, and maybe a few other houses on the street. Okay now imagine being dropped into a world like Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie with no prior gaming experience. I can't accurately describe the impact. The sense of freedom. Your life is altered....
  • @MB20978
    When this first came out it blew my young mind flying around Hoth, taking down AT-AT’s in a snow speeder. It felt like truly next level s**t at the time. Thanks for the memories!
  • @NeoVejiita
    When this game became a “players choice” title my grandpa bought it for me :) I had played it via rental but never got passed the train level, so being able to play as much as I wanted was amazing!
  • @mozamboni
    Joel McNeely's score is so damned good - I feel he will never get his due credit!
  • @casedistorted
    I remember when this game first came out on the N64 as a kid, it was a big deal. One of the best Star Wars games out there
  • @DarkShade1337
    Shadows of the Empire and Dark Forces 2 are hands down my favorite old school PC Star Wars games.
  • @kidi84
    Early 1995, Dark Forces. What I remember of this game : "Dad ! We need to add more RAM to the computer, the game is just so slooooooow."
  • @KryptKicker5
    It was the third game I ever got for my N64, and I loved it! Especially messing with the Wompas! Let them out, fight one another and the survivor does my dirty work for me. Great times!
  • @Veon1
    Great video! I hope you also get a chance to cover the Rogue Squadron games, they were also amazing tech show pieces for Nintendo hardware, and Factor 5 in general has a fascinating/bizarre history.
  • @mayen67
    Excellent deep dive into a N64 classic, I remember being blown away at the time.
  • @PoweredByFlow
    30:00 Yup, thats the kind of framerates i remember when playing games on my dads PC back in the day. lol