I am Calling out Neil Degrasse Tyson and Terrance Howard to Peer Review My Work...Respectfully

Published 2024-06-15
I Respectfully request a comment on my work from Neil DeGrassee Tyson and Terrence Howard. They claim it is REQUIRED and INCUMBENT on them to respond...I agree. Neil..."Peer Review thats just how we roll".
I am a material Scientist and will present experimental research on light which is an elementary particle. There are 2 Muons and 2 electron neutrinos (paired like dipole magnets but tiny) in each photon. Photons are about 1000 times smaller than Protons.
My claim is that Protons and neutrons are made of the same elementary particles......Protons are big and quite stable at periods of approx 1823 dipoles which are the Muons and electron neutrinos.
I hope the video will make it clear and there is also a paper dipoleelectronflood.com/#differences

All Comments (21)
  • Please contact Neil and Terrance and all that make claims or statements regarding ANYTHING as IMO all needs to be Re-Examined. My contact for these experts is .... roger@mudfossils.com/ ..... For all my research inc light and mudfossils history etc. My Electron Flood Theory changes all physical matter in the Universe to DIPOLES...and light is Atomic Vapor. Mudfossils changes Geology and History Timelines and Events and even God Questions and Myths. We will never have truth unless you my friends DEMAND TRUTH....pls speak up and contact these experts. Leave my name and Mudfossil University EVERYWHERE Especially Joe Rogan and the others. Thank you my truth Seekers we cannot be unheard now....but louder is better.
  • @MrBud667
    Terrance Howard asked Neil to peer review his work... then he didn't like the answer he got...
  • @dannyuitz
    Why dont you submit your work in the conventional platforms for peer review?
  • @stephenhall8725
    Fear of the unknown is a real problem for people who aren’t open minded
  • I hope that Someone in “academia” actually responds to you, Roger. I understand your presentations and find it astounding that “they” won’t even discuss your evidence with you with respect and open minds. Free energy is their enemy. What a shame for All of us. Keep squeaking that wheel, kind sir. One day your ideas will be accepted, so stay strong and keep sharing your knowledge with us. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
  • @Aleara27
    Your photos of "photons" are lens flares. A modern phone camera can't capture subatomic particles.
  • @FractalWoman
    Roger, I am actually a part of Terrence Howard's software development team and I could actually get you in touch with him directly. However, I am not very happy with the history that you and I share. You pretty much ignored me when I told you I wanted to help you replicate your experiments so I could understand them better. You pretty much ignored me when I said I wanted to help you figure out how to do live streams using the latest tools. (You wanted someone to do it for you and I wanted to enable you so you could do it yourself and not depend on someone else). I have always been supportive of your research and I was (maybe still am) really interested to understand it better. So, if you want me to help you get in touch with Terrence Howard, you are going to have to explain to me why you ignored me like mainstream ignores you. FractalWoman
  • @vivistar2232
    Roger is a sticky guy to talk to. He has trouble with communication in relationships and is constantly confounded when people refuse to talk to him. Roger does not want a discussion, he wants a dictatorial, one sided lecture, where he is agreed with. Much Roger talks about is true and factual: from giants to other cryptids as they pertain to fossils. It's not his body of work people have a problem with necessarily, it's Roger's misunderstandings with communication and human interaction. Rodger is neurologically Divergent. He's a scary guy to talk to. He gets confused easily about your motives or what you are actually telling him. He is only able to lecture you like a professor. His rigid nature it's difficult to endure. There is never any co-equal relating when communicating with him. It's Rogers way or the highway. Rodger uses terminology like thingy and stuff and gooey things and balls and straps, etc... he doesn't know the labels as a mainstream professional would. Part of the communication barrier with Rodger is, that he doesn't know the words to describe certain functionalities and objects, another barrier is his inability to actively listen, and so trying to discuss the topic with him, can become tedious, and draining. He will consider anyone willing to communicate with him, as an open invitation to dominate the discussion. If he is unable to do that, he will show you how much disrespect he actually has for you. People don't want to talk to Roger, because he's a difficult person to talk to, not because they don't agree with his assessment on mud fossils. It suffices to say that Rodger is on the narcissist spectrum, and as such, ends up alienating himself. It sucks having a conversation with Roger. Even in his videos, the results of fair bit of talking, it becomes apparent that he isn't much of a conversationalist and it shoots himself in the foot. Roger is right about a lot of things. From how academia lies to us, to how scientific data is gathered... The corruption is palpable. Roger is not able to communicate effectively, one on one, so it is up to the rest of to do it for him. He is only acting as a professor... we are the students. But there comes a point where the student must become the teacher\activist. We need to do what he cannot! We love Rodger and disregard his inability to communicate effectively in social settings. The truth of what he's exposed needs to be pushed into academia and media. Let's do what he cannot!
  • Roger I'm trying to share your work with the closed minded. They will wake up with your help.
  • @nicolacox4063
    Roger, what’s a reasonable starter microscope please? I found a small rock in the garden that looks interesting. Outside is smooth, flat bottomed and inside the cavities look like dried beef or pork. My first potential find.
  • They are so worried about flat earth or globe but can't even imagine metamorphosis.