Drier Fire-Wood Burning Stove

Published 2018-06-13
A few months ago we bought a new condenser drier and me being me I hate throwing things away unless I can get some use out of them. On the underside there is about 50 or 60 little holes to let air into the drum. With the whole thing lifted off the ground and supported on 3 bricks it has full air flow so actually roars once it gets going.
This was the second burn of this Drier Fire and most of the wood used was from off the ground in my garden. As such, it didn't burn that well but it did reach just under 1000 degrees for a while, so would be ideal for camping or tiny housing as it doesn't take up much room. Only for outside use I might add. Personally I think it's a brilliant idea, give me a thumbs up if you agree......

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