Natalia Matsak and Kimin Kim Swan Lake 16/08 London, curtain call 1/2

Published 2015-08-16
Kim's second performance as guest star with the Irina Kolesnikova ballet group

All Comments (4)
  • There are some comments on G+ about his bows being too modest or humble. He was the star of this performance and many in the audience realised this even if they saw him for the first time, or even if they saw SL or ballet for the first time. Greatness does not have to be anything more. I assume this is his nature (because we do not really know them) and it seems the best one to have.
  • Overview:  I enjoyed today's performance more than the one yesterday. It is hard to pinpoint why - the audience was different, warmer despite being much more "down to earth" (you can read into this what you like)  than yesterday. They still failed to applaud on Kim's first entrance (I did try to start applause again, but no go again) but have applauded wildly after Act 3 variations - even during the two of the variations, which for casual audience is not common in London - and again gave him an ovation bigger than that for Odile. There were some "Bravo!" shouts and I just hope the audience were consciously applauding Kim at the end, and if they did not they should have done. You can see his touching modesty at these curtain calls. I nearly filmed the Act 3 variations but had two moving heads in front of me and so it would have been a failure with a covered up screen. Next time. Now I am thinking of also getting a last-minute ticket for Thursday matinee.  I went home very happy.
  • @pediatrapaola
    please tell us about kim perf ,did london audience love him?