Revit Tutorial: Roofs

Published 2017-09-21

All Comments (21)
  • @CBos-vo3vq
    Hello Balkan architects thank you very much for all those instructive instruction videos.
  • @Aphorism89
    This is a misleading video, you show a fully detailed timber construction pitched roof and you explain something basic instead.
  • @iskraleko7461
    Dragi Balkan Architect, ne pamtim kad mi je neko postao ovako dobar drug za par minuta pregledanih tutoriala. Puno sam naučila i puno hvala :)
  • Hey...your videos are really helpful... why dont you make complete project from foundation to interior to finishes. It will be really helpful in understanding each and every part of revit... Thankyou
  • @hammadshams
    Nice Video, I wish the sound was a bit louder in this video. Thanks anyway for the great effort.
  • @pandarzzz
    Thank you for sharing this informative video~! 😃
  • @igipop1981
    Pozdrav! Nabasao sam na tvoje videe slučajno, sad vidim da ih imaš brdo! Sjajno! Pošto sam imao čorbu sa krovom, eto me na krovnom videu. Pitanje je vezano na DORMERe. Naime, što sa dormerima koji nisu na rubu krova? Konkretno, u mom kraju nerjetko dormer ispada u sred krova, i ima flatline sredinu i dva skošenja, sve skupa pod koso ide nekamo prema sljemenu, a skošenja se u obliku trokuta utapaju u glavni krov. u nacrtu ovako -> /¨¨¨¨\ Zapravo eto modeliram svoju kuću, uspio sam ga složiti, ali sa 2 ili više krovova koji se poklapaju na linijama. Ono što je kod toga problem je način na koji revit crta krov (krov od 200mm kad ga skosiš više nije 200mm, polaganje krova je na donjoj granici a "edit elements" na gornjim točkama itd). Imaš ideju? :) pozdrav iz susjedstva! Igor
  • @kaye2890
    Can you make a tutorial for sloping a roof gutter? Standard package only allow flat roof gutter.
  • @Mechrank
    When should we use sketchup and when revit?
  • @redsparrow5503
    hey super tutorial zum thema Mullions, was ich noch gerne wissen wurde ist wie man mullions kreieren kann wie zBS im gothischen Fenster ? Letztens hatte ich ein Projekt wo man solche custom mullions einsetzen soll und da habe ich einfach mit extrusion getrickst, wollte aber nur wissen ob es auch andere moglichkeit solche organische formen zeichen kann. Vorab vielen Dank und liebe Grusse!!!!!
  • @plandev_ark
    can i make thatch roof material using revit?
  • @mohandesman
    these freeloaders sure can comment like they are paying for a very expensive meal