How To Make An Herbal Salve - Comfrey. (Uses For Healing Salves)

Published 2019-01-08
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Herbal salves and ointments are wonderful for healing a whole host of aches and pains. Comfrey is known for it's healing properties and has been linked to giving relief to: Arthritis, bruises, sore muscles, joint pain, strains, sprains, gout, and helps to accelerate wound healing.

We show you how to make a comfrey healing salve from olive oil, beeswax and comfrey.

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#healingsalve #comfreysalve #herbalsalve

All Comments (21)
  • Thank you for making this helpfulvideo. I’ve used comfrey internally for years with some miraculous results, an absolutely wonderful herb for me to drink as tea, add to my cooking and use on my body. What I understand from the research I’ve found, you would have to ingest an ‘extraordinary’ amount for any possible negative effects and when you look even deeper into it, be aware of who is doing the research and who benefits from the research. Many people are willing to take over the counter and prescription drugs without questioning yet are scared to try something growing in its natural state because of false information … this is my opinion only of course 😊
  • @itsmelaura1533
    The only real danger of using comfrey is if used on a puncture wound or a deep wound is that comfrey heals it too fast and IF there is infection down deep it will close up the wound and infection will be trapped. I used comfrey after I dropped a heavy wood cutting board on my big toe. It started turning black right away so I heated water and added comfrey leaf let it steep then applied for 30 minutes, continued doing that for 3 days and the bruising disappeared, swelling went down, felt tons better and I never lost my toe nail. Big Pharma tried to eradicate comfrey many decades ago but the roots go 10 foot deep so it is nearly impossible to kill off, which means choose where you plant it carefully. What they don't tell you, when warning of the dangers of comfrey is that even Tylenol, if taken against directions, will cause liver damage and if overdosed can cause death. If one uses common sense it is very safe and can heal. The fact that they tried to eradicate it tells me that Comfrey is God's gift for healing but like with any medicine it must be used correctly.
  • I grow a ton of peppermint in my garden (planted a single plant 5 years ago and now its literally everywhere all the time) and use this same method but also throw in a handful of peppermint leaves. Adds a cooling effect to it and it smells great.
  • I can’t wait to try this. You have the easiest instructions that I’ve saw on YouTube. Thank you. God Bless, Carol B
  • @JessicaJLandi
    I am so grateful that I bought and planted two comfrey cuttings last year. Actually I completely forgot about them this year and just recently realized what they were as they grew. Can't wait to make salve. So many uses for comfrey.
  • @psalm919
    Dehydration is far easier for thin leaves by simply leaving them about somewhere on a tray and on a cloth maybe. If you really want to you can hang a bunch up for a couple of days. No need for other equipment.
  • @haou132
    Excellent !!! Blessings +++!!!
  • I appreciate this very much thanks for sharing .I will be able to make mine for people
  • @SergiyChumakov
    Thanks for great video! Very easy to do, I will try it.
  • @tabp8448
    Thank you for this video! 🕊💜
  • Thankyou I’m going to have a go. Have plenty of comfrey in my garden.
  • @shimkonise357
    Thank you. I add Vitamin E oil to help preserve it longer.
  • @Ahmed_algumaei
    لقد استفدت منك بشكل سهل جدا لقد شرحتة بشكل مبسط شكرا جزيلا لك ايها الرائع ❤
  • @vreed8755
    Recommend you try heating it up using a crock pot instead of the stove.
  • Looking forward to making this for my daughters eczema flare ups. Thankyou!
  • @annenyman678
    You can put the leaves in a paper bag and leave them in a hot car for a week or great.