Boulder Fire

Published 2021-12-31
My heart goes out to all of the families who were affected by this fire and the lives lost, may God be with you. This was/is a complete tragedy, with 580+ homes destroyed, and this fire has the potential to be the most costly in Colorado state history! Hopefully this incoming snow storm will lead to a controlled fire and maybe even extinguish it.

On 12-30-2021 a 1,600+ acre fire began to rapidly spread in what was assumed by the SPC to be a slight fire risk day, but boy were they wrong! This fire supposedly started from collapsed power lines, let me know if you find out what caused this. Max winds in the area were 75+ mph on site potentially 100 mph, strongest winds I've ever experienced. Hopefully this incoming snow storm will lead to a controlled fire and maybe even extinguish it.

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