2020 curveballs

Published 2020-06-25
Holy sugar, 2020 really hit us all with a whole bout of not-so-great never boring times. Between COVID-19, recession, possible depression (in more ways than one), George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and everything else in between…

First, the elephant in the room: COVID-19 meant that I couldn’t cuddle. That’s been my main source of income and how the heck am I supposed to work if I can’t be within six feet of people? The best part was not knowing when I could legally reopen even. And then being told THREE days before I can reopen…

AND THEN RECENTLY my roommate told me he’s getting married in August and his future wife is moving in! That means I needed to move out though… 4 people in my apartment is too many.

So what's your 2020 like? It certainly flipped my world upside down!

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