How does the archery system stack up with reality? Gaming and archery, my two favorite things

Published 2024-03-22
Join me as I have fun playing and learning, the Ins and out of the archery system in dragons dogma 2! don’t worry, this is not a snobby interpretation of how games get archery wrong rather just having some fun and seeing what moves can be replicated and just having a ball playing games. Let me know if this is something you guys want to see more of because it is really fun to film and honestly much easier than setting up armor tests haha, archers class is best class

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#archery #gaming #dragonsdogma #dragonsdogma2 #review #rpg #fantasy

All Comments (21)
  • @GUNNER67akaKelt
    'Hmmm... somethings not right here.' "There. All set now." LMAO!
  • @majordakka5743
    Common failing of most games is running around with a fully drawn bow as if it was a crossbow
  • @grayshadow1856
    4:15 David Attenborough voice And here we see the naturally bare-chested archer, spitting arrows of black death upon his enemies. His in-game character seems only slightly taller.
  • @BMO_Creative
    LOL the avatar looked like you on a bulk. Game looks awesome! Great video man!
  • @shawn6860
    In DD1 I usedthe Bow classes. Ranger was my favorite with the long bow.
  • @heartoffire5902
    I don't recall if I saw you doing it at all in the video, but you can do action-oriented 'trick shots' that deal higher power damage while giving you mobility. If you fire a regular unaimed shot while sprinting, your character will do a slide or roll while firing a stronger-than-normal shot that can kill or stagger enemies. It looks really cool and it's very useful when you need to maintain your distance or want to run someone down who's fleeing. You can also fire shots while mid-air, and there's a Core Skill somewhere that lets you fire them after doing a retreating kick off someone.
  • Well, at least the bows shown in the video look realistic. I never realized how atrociously ugly the bows in Skyrim were until I installed the "Real Bows" mod, which made me want to play an archer for the first time, because shooting a mongol bow (ebony) or a Chinese-ish looking bow (daedric) is so much fun and beautiful. I wish there were a RPG that was build around archery, with different drawing styles, draw weights, chooseable anchor points, bow types, quivers, arrows, horseback archery, realistic quick shooting that doesn't feel like a comical machine gun, poison and bow crafting and maintenance, with many of those choices affecting different aspects of your archery, like using the wrong arrows on your 200lbs warbow or a Mediterranean draw on horseback (ofc it can also be done, with experience and an altered Mediterranean draw). That would be so cool. Edit: Oh and a learning curve and satisfying progression. No Skyrim-esque "You're a master archer at level one who always hits the bulls-eye" bs and more like in Mount and Blade where your arrows won't necessarily hit where you aim unless you are a dedicated master archer, and even then you'll suck if you try shooting on horseback without any experience.
  • @coolinboolin6934
    With the barrage shot he’s basically holding the second arrow like he does when he’s idol
  • @RudeSaiyan
    Hey amigo, nice topic for a fun video. Real quick, you CAN edit your character in game without paying any real money. I hope they add some more vocations eventually. Ranger in dragons dogma 1 (Longbow) was one of my faves.
  • @Wikrin
    You can change your character. Once you get to the main city, visit the Riftstone and you'll find a person at a desk who can sell you an item called Art of Metamorphosis that lets you change your character aesthetics at the barber.
  • @heartoffire5902
    Loved watching this video and seeing you have fun man! My main has been Archer all the way from creation as well, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it - which is a huge step up from the first game. I agree with you on all the points you made, the things that really stood out to me being impact, balance, and animations. In most games I get bored with the Archer classes because they tend to fail in multiple areas, but this is the most fun I've ever had with one. Also, I too accidentally made a giant lol. I expected the NPCs to be taller when I designed him. I think there's a way to change your height once you get to the first big city though - I found a barber shop there who can change your appearance and I read that with a certain coupon item you can get somewhere, you can change more than just hair/markings.
  • @DuxLindy
    i think the archery is well implemented. of course it's not realistic, but it's fun and feels good. the energy and strength use of your character are conveyed really well aside from being able to hold draw indefinitely. they could've done something like reducing accuracy and adding wobble if you hold draw too long, but i feel like that would make the vocation less popular.
  • @immersion9880
    I came here expecting to learn how to Heavenly Shot IRL. 😎
  • If I recall correctly you'll get a quest at some point to unlock the longbowman class giving you a bigger bow, which would probably be a better analog to war archery, like in terms of animation. At least thats how it was in the first game.