The Word of God at Work -March 3rd

Published 2024-03-03
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

As Christians and members of the body of Christ, we pray that God would be at work in our lives and in the life of his church. We pray for God to do his saving, sanctifying and strengthening work in us and through us. And yet, we can easily neglect or even forget the primary way he does that work: through the hearing and receiving of his Word. We are right to place a high priority in the church on the preaching and teaching of God's Word, but do we place as much emphasis on how we hear and receive it? Are we praying not just for the Word preached, but the Word received such that it bears much fruit in our own hearts and lives. One of primary reasons Paul was thankful for the Thessalonian church was their growth in faith, love and hope, the cause of which he reminds them is that they received the gospel for what it truly was, the Word of God at work in them. Join us this Sunday as we come to hear what God has to say about the work of his Word, and pray for him to open our ears and hearts to hear and receive what he has for us.