Published 2017-01-08
This is one we have been thinking about having on the SUNDAY SITDOWN for a while. We cherish this story and the date of October 28, 2015. The day of Braden and Ashlynn's Adoption. We are grateful for our friend and attorney who helped us out Stephen Stubbs (    / @stephenpstubbs   )



All Comments (20)
  • When I married my husband I had 3 children, 5, 4, and 2 years. When my oldest daughter was 8 my husband adopted them. The biological father was not in the picture and did not contest the adoption. We had a son together and raised two grandchildren. We were married 37 years. And had God been willing, I would have liked to have been married 37 more. So, I love your story and pray you make 37 + years.
  • @rebeccapena6243
    my mom married our daddy when I was 5. although we were never adopted he was our daddy. We always say any man can be a father but it takes a real man to be a daddy. Our step dad married our mom even though she had 5 kids already. He was the best thing that could of happened to us.
  • @itsrlife
    What a great story!! Thank you guys for sharing. You had me crying Danny! 😉 Thank you for the shoutout!!
  • WOW now I love you guys even more....I respect Danny so much to be a father to Tina's beautiful children. I am a single Mum and to find a man who will love me and my children ....would be a prayer answered. So proud of you two. I have three boys and two girls too.
  • @abbye8482
    You two have such a loving friendship/marriage, how could these kids possibly not love Danny too! You have an easy/breezy love relationship, this is why your vlog is so successful.
  • My cousins were adopted from China. They are both in college now. One did cheer leading. One served. I wouldn't have cousins on my mom's side without them.
    HEY EVERYONE! Please feel free to share your ADOPTION STORY HERE IN THE COMMENTS! If you have a video of it we invite you to put the link of it in our comments. We would love to watch it and share it with our viewers.
  • @Kirammayne
    I was 20 years old when I had my son. Single, alone, and trying to survive. Being a single parent is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. The biological dad has never been involved and has never even met my son. When my son was about 18 months old, I met and fell in love with my now husband. We were married and sealed in the SLC Temple June 10th of 2017. Now, being married for a year, we can officially start the adoption and finally be sealed together as a family!! It takes a really special man to take on a child that is not biologically his. I thank my husband every day for being the best father he did not have to be. Thank you for sharing your story!!
  • I have just started following you guys and have fell in love. I would have never know those two were adopted. What an amazing story. Here is ours... We are in the process of adopting my great niece. I will give you the back story. It’s kind of long but I hope you read it 😊 So she went into the Foster care system in New Mexico when she was 9 months old. I didn’t know my niece had a baby because we lost touch with her when she left WI due to drugs and having warrants out for her arrest. So she stopped all communication with family. Once I found out Kyndall existed she was 13 months old. My husband our kids and myself knew without a doubt she needed to be ours. So we started the process. Because there was 2 states involved it made it much more difficult. My niece ( the birth mom) was in prison at this point but her rights had not been terminated. And because Kyndall had been in the system for so long we couldn’t get her under kinship. Had we been able to do that we would have had her sooner. WI then requires that potential parents become Liscensed Foster Care parents. So we began that process. Fast forward by the time all of it was said and done and both states agreed 12 months had past. So now she a little over 3 It then took another 2 months to get the transition and travel finalized. It took us 14 months to get her. We had never even met her in person until we basically insisted on them letting us see her before the transition. They agreed so we made the trip to NM and they allowed us to spend 10 days with her. It was all supposed to be supervised but when we met for the first time she took right to us and didn’t want us to be out of her sight. When they took her back that evening the current Foster parent informed the case worker the next morning that Kyndall barely slept and constantly asked for us. So from that day forward they let us have her all day with just returning her in the evening. She stole our hearts and we fell in Love day one. She was already calling us mommy and daddy which honestly blew every ones minds. But I know she just knew she was ours. Leaving her was the hardest thing we have had to do. We finally got her on June 14, 2017. It was the best anniversary present we could have asked for. Our anniversary was the day before on the 13th. We were still waiting for the parental rights to be terminated by NM which is not an easy process. But in August of 2017 I was able to talk to my niece while she was still in prison and asked her to relinquish her rights so we could move forward and know without a doubt that Kyndall would never be removed from us and to guarantee that this little girl grew up in a loving and safe environment. She didn’t give me an answer. But just 3 days after our conversation we got a call that she relinquished her rights. You can just imagine the excitement and tears that my whole family experienced. I forgot to mention that I have MS and with that I have many issues. One being a seizure disorder that is very erratic. So I had to get all my doctors to sign off that she would be Okay with us since I had written statements from many family and friends that would help me out. That was also a process but not as long as I thought it would take. We are now hoping that within the next two months the adoption will be finalized and she will be ours legally, because she is already our daughter. Our kids are already grown and I have 3 grandchildren from my son and daughter n law. They are 30. My daughter and son in law are 24 and actually moved in with us to make sure I had help 24/7. The lower part of our house was turned into a one bedroom apartment for them. My daughter is a nurse so I have comfort in regards to my health knowing she is so close. So we are starting all over as mommy and daddy but we wouldn’t have it in other way. We love our little girl so much that words doesn’t do it justice. We know we have a lot of challenges with her because she was born addicted to many drugs and was in the hospital from birth until 3 months for detox. This broke our hearts when we heard this but it didn’t detour us from fighting for her. She has an emotional behavioral disorder as well as others. We know there are always a chance that other things can arise at anytime because of being born addicted but we are confident we can get her through it especially with all the support and resources we already have been using. So this is our story. 😊 On a different note- Go Packers!! We are totally Packer Backers and have had the pleasure of going to many games and meeting many team members 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼. So cool that you guys are Packer fans too!! Gooooo Pack!! 💚💛💚💛
  • @melissita77
    I’m 25 now and I would’ve loved my momma to find a wonderful men like Danny when my biological father divorced from her and my brother and me .. I was 1 and my brother 4 . It has been a difficult journey, but my mom was able to do it I love her so much for her strength. Thank you for sharing ❤️
  • @auntoni51
    I had never watched a Sunday sit down. I clicked on this on your lists on your page. OMG, I am sitting here at 3 in the morning crying tears for your PRICELESS story. Biology does not make you a Dad, Love DOES. You two are great parents that everyone can tell the love in your entire family. Braden and Ashlynn can SO be seen how much they love their dad-YOU Danny. Thank you for sharing this beautiful family/adoption story. Tina and danny and your 5 children. GOD Bless You!!
  • I shed some tears right along with you guys. It's such a beautiful story with the happiest of happy endings. I did not know that Braden and Ashlynn were not Danny's kids because, like you said Tina, he's always treating them just like his own. Danny is an awesome man and I loved hearing your story 😊
  • @alishab1853
    Danny is a Great man and father, that is the true definition.
  • @idiel24
    I didnt know More reason to love your family
  • @ritacloud6500
    That was a awesome story, I would have never known because you all are such a close and happy family. I love your videos, I'm a fairly new subscriber so I'm still working my way through all your past videos. I enjoy your family so much!!!
  • @lrwilson01
    Thank you for this video! My husband and I have had temporary custody of our nephew for 10 years now. He came to live with us when he was three. He goes and visits his mom every weekend and she refuses to let us adopt him. We have been supporting him the whole time with no help from either mom or dad. It's been a long and rough road so it makes me happy to hear good adoption stories and it gives me hope!
  • Great story for a great family. Awesome dad, so many kids don't have that in their life. Thanks for sharing.
  • @CLLSx0
    I came across your video's by accident but I was instantly hooked! You guy's have the most beautiful connection, it warms my heart. It's so wonderful to watch! I never thought I'd be so interested in watching people do hauls and grocery shop! Even my boyfriend is interested and I can't get him to watch anything. You guy's are magical! This story is amazing, I didn't think I could like you guys anymore than I already did, but your such an amazing family. Danny you are such a great man, this is absolutely beautiful ♡