Senate has enough votes to pass $95 billion aid package, including TikTok ban

Published 2024-04-23
CNBC’s Emily Wilkins joins 'Power Lunch' to report on the Senate getting enough votes to pass the aid bill that includes a ban on TikTok.

All Comments (21)
  • @SickSkwerl
    Remember that the child tax credit, free school lunches, and student loan relief are too expensive. "Where will we get the money?!?!"
  • @j.p.4541
    The people who are approving this, are already nearing retirement. They know they won’t be around long enough to see the next depression or when the dollar collapses from the U.S. printing too much money due to our debt.
  • Isn't it ironic that they want to ban tik tok but at the same time they don't need a warrant to spy on you.
  • @drcat1313
    What about a 98 billion dollar aid for Americans? Since we are the ones paying to send it over seas for countries. Funding for tik tok ban is stupid. Just shut it down
  • @Blue7Alpha
    Over $34 trillion in debt and counting. What a waste of taxpayer dollars. How about we get our own house in order before worrying about funding other countries wars.
  • @susansmith3896
    My government makes me sick. People are struggling, yet our tax money is leaving the country
  • @brenolad
    "Small and medium businesses can go to hell" bill
  • @Georgieboy1776
    Money going overseas and we’re losing our ability to talk about it. Man our country is falling quick.
  • @adamcrai
    The TikTok portion of this is super dangerous. This is government overreach and extremely concerning.
  • @YugaKhan
    I am sick and tired of these people giving money away. I have no choice in the matter to pay my taxes and you use it to fund wars. If I had a say I'd vote no, we should all be able to vote on this.
  • @julies48a
    How about some aid for Americans, food, gas, rent is high. We need paid maternity/ paternity leave. Rise is SNAP, and modification of eligibilty for the program to include the middle class Student debt relief. Something, Anything. Maybe Congress can take a pay cut and pay for thier own healthcare so they can somewhat identyify with the American people. Sick of both parties, red & blue.