Published 2023-01-06

All Comments (21)
  • @zigotonlover
    Actually it doesn't pause the sound but instead it still plays but super duper slow which is why they set the volume to 0 so that you won't hear the slowed down sound being still played
  • The Remix Tree was on the online page before they updated Scratch to 3.0, and the button to access the Remix Tree was removed, but is accessible with Scratch Addons.
  • @AdiDK
    finally a scratch hacks video with actually useful tips that everybody don't know already
  • @Kirbydogs9
    For the Remix Tree: They removed it at some point due to it being unnecessary, but never got rid of it's URL. It was used during I think when Scratch 2 was the latest version.
  • Fun Fact: With Makey Makey addon you don't have to use the join block like that. You can just type "up up down up down" in one space and leave the other space blank. Or you can set a variable to something and check if you press the variable's text. This also works with any letter, not just arrows, meaning you can do "A M O G U S" or "s c r a t c h" (cAps DoNT MaTtEr)
  • I actually already knew about the resize thing! I discovered it while experimenting to see if there was a way to get past the size limit! It actually really helps making things bigger than the screen normally let's you have without having to make another costume for every size change I often name those costumes Size then code FOREVER Switch costume to Size Change size by (whatever) Switch costume to (whatever) Sometimes I even have a variable set so the sprite knows which costume to switch to after by making it set a variable name to the costume number then making it switch to the Size costume then switching to the variable and changing that by one! It's so fast that you won't even see it happening so it's perfect! Also the hack to create the illusion of pausing audios is amazing! It would defiantly come in handy although I wish there was a way to simply pause the whole project... I'm sure I can easily work that out though using variables As for the black and white effect, I never knew how to code it but I once saw a project that used a similar method and just added those couple of blocks into my backpack for later Also with the turning JPGs into Pangs, sadly that won't work if the image itself has white on it or if the JPG background is bad quality to the point where scratch thinks it's multiple shades... That's why I use Photoshop And wow! That key combo is so much easier than what I was doing! I used to simply just have Wait until (whatever) key is pressed Then under that repeat it... It often got complicated and making it rese when you type the wrong key is even harder to do so this will also be useful! Removing the pauses for movement is also amazing! I always had If key (whatever is pressed) Change (X/Y) by (whatever) But this is so much easier to do too! These hacks are going to be very useful, I'm happy YT recommend wasn't useless for once!
  • Fun fact: to make a sprite smaller then it’s max, make something REALLY BIG, and the. Shrink it down to 1%, boom!
  • * The paint bucket one where it removes the white background also does the other colors too. * It only works in bitmap btw
  • @ItzMeLucasLol
    On number 5, if you hold alt while resizing a side, the opposite side will mirror the side you are morphing.
  • @KBmain2827
    Your smart when Scratch dosent give us those blocks that’s why you have a smart mind
  • For the makey makey key trick you don’t need multiple join blocks. Just use one join block with all the arguments in the first parameter separated by spaces
  • Hey, I'm a scratcher just like you and I was wondering if you could do project reviews or even account reviews. This sounds like advertising but don't worry, I'm against advertisers too 👍. I'm just looking for actual feedback on games. If no, then I don't mind, I'm already moving on from scratch now. I'm happy with my 5.3k followers 😁
  • @macksnotcool
    Everyone has heard of size hack but rarely anybody has ever heard of position hack. - Use size hack to make your sprite very very big (ex. 10000). - set or change position of sprite. - set sprite size back to normal. The sprites can now go out of bounds without clipping on the edge of the canvas. This is great for scrolling games.