Base Tour: Remembrance. Pt 3 (W.I.P.)

Continuing my video journal of building my bases. Did some more work on my second base Market yourValue. I've added some details and character to the Market area, messed around with spacing, and tried to have the Place looking more cohesive on the whole.

Also, a big thanks @Achikah UCtWNkWMvgXtU-C2JNgpG6Xw Who donated a Minotaur Gate that has meant I managed to get the prison area almost complete. If you get a chance DEFINITELY check out her channel, lots of base showcases, and is also the host of one of the regular Base Crafter's competitions BASE OFF, the last one has just got done it was called 'Lofty Ambitions', and the bases were top notch! Their work has been inspiring and it's always cool to go around other bases and see the sheer creative brilliance some people have.

I also worked on the plantation around the downstairs area, I wanted it to look like it was a continuation of the forested area from the beginning part, but wanted it to look a bit more corrupt (This is a villain's lair after all)

Also cleared a space in the upstairs for a kitchen area, still not quite sure how I'm doing that yet, but I'm sure I'll come up with something creative lol. (ignore the bamboo planter, I had literally just moved the shower). Speaking of clearing space, I hid the bamboo shower and made it more fitting with the surroundings. it was such a pain trying to figure out how to hide it as it's such a large item. I also made a clearing in the basement area, I'm not sure what I'm putting there yet, but does give me a chance to add something else in the future.

While work still continues, I still wanted to show progress.

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