100% PROOF That “Charasmatic Tongues” Is NOT Biblical… (Speaking in Tongues)

Published 2024-03-01
100% PROOF That “Charasmatic Tongues” Is NOT Biblical… (Speaking in Tongues)
The "speaking in tongues" that we see in Charasmatic/Pentecostal churches today are NOT biblical.
This video shows that this theology is being read into the Bible, rather than reading the Bible in proper context. Also, tongues is NEVER used for private prayer in the Bible!

#tongues #tonguesprayer

All Comments (21)
  • @lionoffireraw
    Three things to note… 1) Tongues in the Bible are NEVER (not even once) anything other than another human language. 2) Tongues in the Bible are NEVER prayed privately, only between an individual and God. They are always spoken/prayed in the presence of others, FOR their edification. 3) The Bible teaches that tongues must ALWAYS have an interpreter, in EVERY instance!
  • @karenreynolds349
    There are some denominations that put speaking in tongues above the Word!!!!!I use to attend a church that taught if you didn't speak in tongues your not saved!!!!! Such egregious/ erroneous teaching!!!!!!!
  • @mlmagic12
    Excellent. I walked away from the Pentecostal doctrine a few years ago. Was constantly questioning myself, as some friends stand their ground on this and it’s the “evidence” we are filled with the Holy Ghost! God has shown me different and it’s just as you say. I just don’t argue with them now. I don’t care any longer to prove them wrong as I once did. I just give that to the Lord to sort out. Thank you!
  • @randman21
    Your thumbnail cracked me up. That kind of speaking has always made my hair stand up, as a non-believer and now as a Christian. The first church I went to after accepting Christ was Pentecostal. It was a tiny congregation, but everyone spoke in tongues throughout every service (the pastor would do it maybe once per service). I was led to believe the gift of tongues was automatic at baptism, so when I was baptized and didn't receive it, I definitely thought something was wrong with me! Thank God for the Bible, where I eventually read that's not how tongues works. I appreciate you for bringing more light to this subject.
  • @Monika0035
    A woman came to me. Back in August, talking about God - saying 'if you dont speak in tongues you are not baptised by the holy spirit' she goes down alot of mornings 'praying in tongues' by herself , by the ocean - that very same area suffered damaged and extrodinary high waves that pushed huge rocks out of the ocean - I stopped going there but meeting her caused me alot of doubt and anxiety , ive been praying about it and it was good to hear you talk the truth about it , in your previous videeo about it , where you demonstrated , i laughed out loud - thank you for keeping it real and simple 💝
  • @acorte52
    From someone who has experienced some surprising things with my prayer language I will list these two instances. A young lady who taught multiple languages was in a car with a group of us abruptly started shouting at me as several of us were singing a worship song that was on the radio. We were alternating singing in tongues and in english. The driver stopped to see if she was ok and checked to see why she was yelling. She said I can understand what you're saying! You are singing about the Lordship of Jesus! She told me to do it again but I told her i didn't know what i was singing or how make it happen but we could just go back to singing and see what occurred. After a very short time It happened again and we all rejoiced together. I experienced another time when I was speaking to a newer convert than I was, and as we began to praying tongues we both found ourselves saying the same thing for multiple phrases, ( sentences) until we found ourselves rejoicing in the Lord. We stopped stared again and within a few seconds again began saying exactly the same wording tongues at the exactly same time. What a wonder. I think the Lord wants us to be able to be more free to experience His Holy Spirit in multiple ways. I haven't given the scriptures because others have already listed them. The church has been all lecture and no lab for far too long. I would love to have a bible study in which we were able to talk about some of these things more freely. PS thank you for posting opinions that dont exactly line up with yours. I really respect that.
  • @tckirk2827
    Hey brother I don't quite see it the way you do on this subject , I 100 % agree there Is false tongues in the charismatic church just like there are false doctrines , false teachers etc etc , but I do believe the bible shows there are different tongues , the bible says in 1 corinthians 14 -2 for one who speaks in a tongue speaks to God not to man for no one understands him , so that can't be a known language in this case if no one understands him I do think certain tongues are known languages, and others are to be interpreted, others are for private prayer , in 1 corinthians 12- 10 it says various kinds of tongues , and I don't think the bible is saying when you speak in tongues and are building yourself up it is a bad thing paul goes on to say the one who prophesies is greater because it builds up the church , in Jude 1-20 encourages us to build ourselves up in our holiest faith by praying in the Holy spirit . Obviously I know certain people my see it different but I believe we are still all brothers and sisters in Christ I just don't let false tongues , false teachers , prophets etc stop me personally believe what scriptures I think show an teach 🙏
  • @mangimadang4059
    Brother, you are 100% right. The first instance ever recorded in the Book of acts about speaking in tongues was the fact the Jewish Believers in Jerusalem were now speaking in the languages of those people that came from other nations. They did not know what they were speaking but those from other nations could hear that they were speaking in in their language. There's the foundation of speaking in tongues. Its a known language to the hearer but not to the speaker (The speaker will only understand what he speaks if God gives him the interpretation). All these gibberish I hear in the church is no speaking in tongues...its just gibberish.
  • @terryhatcher7271
    1 Corinthians 14 verse 18 says “I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than you all” and verse 19 adds “Yet IN THE CHURCH I had rather speak five words with my understanding”. So Paul differentiated between praying privately in tongues versus speaking in church. So saying this has nothing to do with a private prayer language is false.
  • i once spoke in tongues. i was attacked by satan that i blasphemed against the Holy Spirit when i guit for many years after that. i was in total agony for a long time. that was over 4o years ago. i found a book called i once spoke in tongues that helped some. the things i seen and experienced is beyond comprehension. i was anew Christen and was took to a assembly of god church where i was told i had to be baptized by the holy and speak in tongues or i was not saved yet. yet this opened the door to spiritual wickedness that sifted me like wheat. stay away from these things or you could suffer untold agony for a long time. i am talking about tongues ,,slain in the spirit , dancing in the spirit, tongues of fire, running in the spirit , visions, and much more. it is no joke!!
  • @rentlastname2824
    Spot on again bro! Very well articulated. Isn’t great how, wedged in between the two chapters in 1 Cor about the gifts, is a wonderful instruction on what motivates the selfless exercise of the gifts.
  • The word tongues means language and I completely agree that is the context with which the Bible means the word be understood. Earthly languages. Greetings from Kansas. Hope you are doing well.
  • @linneab8317
    Thank you for this interpretation. I had taught a children’s choir a song in Yoruba, an African tongue. Unknown to us there were 3 visitors form Nigeria visiting us on the Sunday we debuted it. The men were so happy to hear this sacred song in their native language and they desired to know how I knew they would be there had been no prior notification that they’d be there. God is simply awesome.❤
  • @marisa5359
    Thank you. This has been one of the most challenging things to pinpoint truth on for me as one who grew up in a very chaotic charismatic atmosphere. It was such a painful thing to try to push through the clutter to find the simple gospel message as a child and young adult. After finally leaving that mess behind and spending time seeking what the Word actually says, the conclusions I have found there are confirmed in what you have shared here. It is so helpful to hear others say it. As to being a cessationist or a continuist...After I first walked away, I ran as far from any talk of gifts as I could out of fear of being sucked back in. However, after much study and a lot of prayer, I have come to a more balanced thought in recent years. I cannot turn aside from the truth gifts still exist, but I now see that the main problem in the old teachings I once sat under was that they prescribed a manufactured, one-size-fits-all approach. It was a vanity-filled, me-centered exercise. I now recognize God is sovereign. He gives and moves as HE wills. His PERFECT will. Never our own. The crux of the problem is when we forget that.
  • @TheSwordandPearl
    Thank you for this. I asked God to help me understand if what they call 'tongues' is from Him.. and I'm grateful He's protected me from people 'imparting' them to me. This video confirms so much! Thank you 💗
  • @debbieconrad6616
    In my experience, there seems to be a correlation between an insistence on speaking in tongues and certain personality types. Like you said, people who like to draw attention to themselves, or those who feel they have something to prove about their spirituality. Thanks for covering this, Matt, and for doing the due diligence to pull out every relevant scripture. 😊
  • @michedaisy
    It’s a very divisive issue in the church. Our ladies Bible study blew up because of this topic.
  • @juliatamalo7916
    Thank you for the insightful explanation, Matt. I used to pray in words, until one day attended this Charismatic church. They encouraged us to "get" the speaking in tounge. I got it one day, but i believe it was me praying in Holy Spirit. There was a time when Isomebody interpreted it for the prayer leader. However, i had no idea how they could understand it. Thank you again. Glad that you brought up the topic to bring discernment. God bless you abundantly 🙏🏻🎉
  • I think what most need to do here is instead of attacking our brother, why not read the scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit for understanding? Thank you for this video brother God bless you 🙏💕🕊