No More Root Canals!

Published 2019-11-08
Vegas Dental Experts specialize in a variety of dental treatments.

All Comments (21)
  • @Elguapo93
    I don’t think people realise just how expensive this shit is.
  • @ledomc2007
    You're not saving the tooth. You're killing it
  • @mattb9054
    I've had 4 root canals and all 4 have been fine haven't had any issues. The only thing I reccomend is getting a Waterpik or an Orapik. It shoots water up underneath and around the tight spots the crown, it helps with crown decay and under crown decay
  • @YouTuber-ep5xx
    "The number 1 killer - heart disease - is caused, greater than 90% of the time - by dental infections, usually in a root canal treated tooth" - Dr. Thomas Levy, Cardiologist
  • Seems to be very experienced dentist. I had wisdom tooth pain 25 days ago. It had a cavity also. There were no dentist available due to covid.
  • @aaronchan1498
    If it is just a single back molar is there a way to correct and fill up the empty gap via orthodontics treatment (braces etc)? Allergy to titanium is another thing to worry about.
  • @listonsen
    I had actually thought there might be a real breakthrough alternative. It turns out to be an extract and implant rehash.
  • @forreal8014
    Dr. Chin a great dentist, He had fixed my sensitivity tooth problem backed in 2012.
  • My upper teeth is still sensitive almost 3 months since getting my filling. And I hate root canals . Do I have to wear this for the rest of my poor life
  • @indman101
    Look up the heart problem link to root canals.
  • @spritzpistol
    If you’ve ever had an infected tooth, the pain is the worst, up there with kidney stones; which are apparently compared to a bullet wound? You cannot eat, drink, sleep without ridiculously high pain meds as the ache rages. It affects the whole side of your face, where the bad tooth is, the throbbing, ear ache, eye pain , there’s no comparison. I’m deciding whether to have root canal, but it seems to be pointing more towards extraction as if a tiny amount if bacteria is left, it will start all over again. I’m day 3 into antibiotics (which I don’t normally take as I’m usually very healthy, my tooth was cracked during dental work, but it wasn’t the dentists fault, and no subsidence of pain, no relief. Today I need to decide root canal or extraction, I’m being pushed by the dentist (not my usual one as I’m away and these are a private practice) to have root canal and its going cost around £600 plus £1,000 for a crown! Against, probably £120+ for extraction. Added to 2-3 hours in the chair, against 15 minutes? Seems like a no brainer, I’ve got a lot of thinking to do.
  • im on my fifth, three on one, two on another. its been a living hell...Now both teeth will probably have to be pulled. Its insane. this is three dentists now, its a nightmare.
  • @axegas76
    I will never do a root canal again. Nerve damage for weeks.
  • @sweetmary6793
    If you have a bad pain in your teeth if you don't have money the best option is to pulled out. If you let the tooth can cause more serious infection not only in your teeth but you throat, ears, head, chest, stomach, can affect your vision and cause the death. So if you don't want to die the best is to pulled out.
  • @hhsquizbowl
    in any other part of hte body that is necrotic, we cut it out. Here we keep the body part in the body. Makes no sense.
  • @joeymerante4461
    I had my Teeth pulled out. But I feel safer eating without My Dentures. I ate taco’s Hamburgers with just ketchup, and Chicken
  • My cousin undergone a multiple root canal and it gotten worst ,really worst,, the consequence.was she died.