15 Ways Maine Coons Act Like Dogs

Published 2022-04-15

All Comments (21)
  • We have five Maine Coons and two Dobermans. We always joke about that our cats are more guard dogs than the Dobbies 🀣
  • We have a 12 year old female Maine Coon. When someone rings our doorbell she immediately growls just like a dog. When the kids were younger she would sleep at the foot of their beds as a `guard ` cat. A beautiful , loving cat great around kids.
  • My maine coon Luna is crazy she is 11 months old and my first ever cat , she plays fetch eats everything she can get , plays in the water and can turn the taps on and she winds me up if I ignore her she is like a 2 year old child never mind a dog , I could never be without her now best thing I ever did and I got most of my info from watching this channel, thank you πŸ’–πŸ’šπŸ§‘β€πŸ’™
  • @lauraeaton5414
    Molly with her tongue out was priceless. I enjoyed my two Maine Coon cats. They knew if I didn't feel good and were right there for me. They also did things to make me laugh. They also loved to cuddle.
  • I had 7.5 lbs Tortie who'd greet me @ door, but no one else. She lived to be 18 yo. She's been dead for 11 yrs. STILL miss her sometimes πŸ˜”.
  • My main coon I've had now for 5 years she's my best friend in the world I love her dearly, I could not imagine my life without her.
  • Love it when one of the cats was reaching out and touching your cheeseburger!!
  • @1979timdog
    My Simba just learned how to shake paws!
  • This is why I miss Spinner so much because of the bond I grew with him over his seventeen years. He was a real exceptional friend and member of our family. Your cats bring a real smile to my face and I wish you could be clients of mine because your cats wouldn't know spoiled until I was through with them ❀️
  • Had a cat that was part Maine Coon, and he would fetch thrown toys and bring them back like a dog. He also loved water, and playing in the snow.
  • @SaltyCwgrl
    Molly is so beautiful.! My Maine Coon Maddy was so much like what you described. Maddy was playful his whole life. When he was hanging out or sleeping he oftentimes was on his back with his legs splayed out. He was extremely funny, as in he had a sense of humor. He would play fetch with his favorite little ball for as long as I would throw it. He kind of got lazy about bringing it back to me all the way when he was older, but he always put it safetly away in his water bowl when we finished. Then he could play with his water and ball. I laughed seeing your Coonies following you guys around. Maddy did the same thing. Thanks for your sweet video... it made my heart swell. πŸ’œπŸΎ
  • "Molly Is So Adorable!, It Really Warms My Heart To Hear Of The Connection & Love You Two Share As With All Of Your Precious Fur Babies!"🐈
  • @Pawsandtales321
    We don't have Maine Coons but our cats greet us at the door, too. It's a big stress reliever after work to see their cute faces happy to see us. Hope you have a Happy Easter and I'm sure the cats will get plenty of treats. Molly was being so cute in this video and the tongue sticking out was so funny.
  • You have a wonderful day dear and God bless and I love your babies they're beautiful you take care
  • @johnjohnson798
    Molly's tongue out at the perfect moment for the win!!! I also love how professional your pictures of them turn out!!
  • Molly's tongue at the end was too funny πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ You have such lovely cats! Thank you for sharing them and all the hard work you do on your videos.
  • @blackrainbow149
    Ah, I always love watching Miss Molly, such a beautiful fluff πŸ–€πŸ€ I hope everyone is doing well, much love ❀️
  • @leonid4468
    My Archimedes, my little Archie (little being generous...he is huge), he meows and chirps any time I'm on the other side of a door he can't see through...and he can open doors. Which means I have to either exit a door I don't want him to enter really quickly or tape up the handle so he can't open it when I leave. If I don't, he finds his way through the handle, opens it, and finds me or whatever is in the room, and gives those big eyes and a huge chirp, "Meowoow?!" and then I'm just melting because he's just that cute. So, even when I usher him out of wherever, even effectively, he just takes two steps, turns around, looks up with those innocent eyes and that innocent meow. And I just melt again. Then he goes about his business, and I'm left wondering "what just happened?!" Feeding time is based upon Beethoven's 5th (we have five cats, but only one Maine Coon...a point he seems to relish at times) ...."Food food food fooooood.... food food food fooooooooood!" He comes running (along with the others, two ragdolls, Nibbles and Parsley, a norwegian forest, Sashimi, and a tiny little black longhair, the matriarch of the bunch whom we call Bucket...we initially called her Sambuca, but she spent the first several hours of her life in our home licking my shaved head, so we appropriately called her a "love bucket"), and nuzzles my hands and arms as I try to put the food in the bowl. Then, after he has eaten, he jumps into bed, crawls onto my chest, kneads very vigorously for several minutes (his paws are literally half the size of my hands...and both of them are just pounding as hard as he can, claws and paws, and all you hope for is that you have enough blanket between you and him so it doesn't hurt that much), flops onto me, and gradually slips onto my right side, so I can pet his tummy, that humongous pooch, of course, his hind legs at my knees, and his head at my chin (I'm over 6'1" so...yeah, he's seriously MASSIVELY long). Then he throws his arms over my chest, his head onto my chin, starts to really purr, and chirps again while sniffing at my chin and especially my hairline (not sure why, it's just his thing)...then gradually settles at my side, always waiting for me to pet him some more. So I always grab his pooch and chest, switching between the two, vigorously squeezing them as he prefers, just givin the lovins, (my wife has always said she can't squeeze as hard as Archie likes it, and that's why he is my best buddy...I still think he loves her bunches too)...then he curls up tight, half the length he was a second ago, like a tiny kitten, and grabs my hand with both paws, makes a funny sound, "Ermmm" and proceeds to fall asleep. He's a dog in a cat suit. A kitten with a canine personality. He's the closest thing to perfection I've ever met. And he's my best friend.
  • We have a big house, 5 rooms, 2 floors, a big garden, a balcony and a dalmatian dog. This month we are expecting our male Maine Coon and it looks like yours in this upload. Thanks for you upload.
  • @MrLikecats
    Molly sticking her tounge out was funny!😻