Weird History of Ancient People | Part 7 #weirdhistory #incrediblehistory

Published 2024-04-15
Weird History of Ancient People | Part 7 #crazyhistory #historicalfacts #mindblowingfacts #

Weird Things About Ancient Greece You Won't Believe!


Get ready to have your mind blown as we dive into the bizarre and fascinating world of Ancient Greece! In this video, we'll uncover three mind-boggling facts that will make you question everything you thought you knew about this legendary civilization.

First up, we'll explore the wild and wacky Thesmophoria, a women-only festival dedicated to Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. Imagine a celebration where women ditch the guys, indulge in mud and dung battles, and celebrate fertility in a way you never imagined!

Next, we'll delve into the chilling and controversial Lykaia, a ritual honoring Zeus Lykaios that involved a human sacrifice. Brace yourself for a story that will leave you speechless as we uncover the shocking details of this ancient practice.

So buckle up, history buffs, and prepare to be amazed! This video is packed with mind-blowing facts, fascinating insights, and a touch of humor that will leave you wanting more.

Legionnaire' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.

Sources for Script:

The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Religion
The Greek Myths

#AncientGreece #WeirdFacts #History #Mythology #Culture


Ancient Greece, Thesmophoria, Lykaia, Pythian Games, Eleusinian Mysteries, Necromancy, weird facts, history, mythology, culture, women-only festival, human sacrifice, nude athletes, secret cult, communication with the dead, laurel wreath, sacrificial animals.

All Comments (3)
  • @pejman1990
    They killed a guy to please the god? What sort of belief system is it?