Crash Course - Photos In LightBurn

Published 2021-03-03

All Comments (16)
  • @RickPMandel
    Did anyone rehearse, or at least discuss what you were going to talk about beforehand? Because it certainly didn't sound like it. I tried to get through it all, but by 30 minutes, I as ready stand directly in front of the laser
  • @Kearflex1
    Would have loved to see a finished burn. Thanks for the help... Seriously considering one of your machines
  • @martinduffy3835
    OK so I followed every thing you said and used Jarvis instead of Image-r and regretted it immediately. It was night and day. The Image-r I could at least see the picture but with Jarvis it was barely visible. Now I know there's a lot of variables to take into account but it really was totally different. The Image R photo looked more like a line art drawing when I placed it in Lightburn, the same photo untreated (except for photoshop and luminar enhancement) looked like a black and white photo. a 60W chinese laser @ 300speed 25% Jarvis 300dpi
  • @Dancopymus
    Hi friend, first of all thanks for the tutorial. At 7:25, when you show the speed of 10.0 inches, converting it gives 254 mm; is it that slow? And the maximum power is only 14? I use the Sculpfun S6 Pro, which has a 5.5W optical output.
  • @COddietsch
    Is it possible to invert an image in Lightburn? I have several images that have dark backgrounds and by inverting the image I could get a better more clear burn. I am unable to find this option.
  • @richheer6847
    Hi, I am relatively new to lightburn and am currently running v9.20 I am watching your video on "Crash course - Photos in Lightburn" and am seeing a picture where there are 2 images and the title above says Adjust Image. There are 2 images of a lion which apparently show any changes you should see when making adjustments to the contrast, etc. Where is this option to be found? thanks, Rich
  • @Townie001
    Listening to two fellas jaw is not what I consider instructive.Half the time a novice gets lost in your jargon.
  • seriously guys, this was as clear as mud, clicking here and there explains nothing, your talking as if everyone watching knows how to work lightburn.. long winded with little results ...a shame
  • @Cantstandbs
    To long winded, Get to the information not the distractions.
  • @iamwangine8752
    Lightburn haha , that arrogant owner complain is the "best" software , but at the end he can make only "black & white" with no any shape of gray . And of course the result is just a illusion.