Bottled Water is Literally a SCAM

Published 2023-05-31
Early on, bottled water became the villain of the environmental movement. Somehow, there’s still one million plastic water bottles being purchased every minute around the world. So, why do we keep buying bottled water and, more importantly, how do these companies profit off our need to?

Need a water bottle? Klean Kanteen is what we recommend! (affiliate link)

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Script: Holly Maley
Editor: Reid Valaitis
Lead Editor: Kirsten Stanley
Project Manager: Lurana McClure Rodríguez
Host: Levi Hildebrand

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All Comments (21)
  • @heyyeah1234
    I got an ad for Fiji water during the Cleveland segment. Gotta love it
  • @FrankLloydTeh
    As someone living in a third world country, tap can't be trusted. But we have reusable jugs that we refill at water filtration stations
  • @ElGuerreroMaya
    Good old Nestlé being a nightmare for society and the environment as usual
  • @mariuszarszylo1476
    As a resident in Michigan, I absolutely refuse to purchase anything Nestle. It sickens my stomach to see how much water they pump out of my state for the price of $200 per year. Then they wanted to pump even more, until environmentalists got involved and squashed it.
  • @shanemjn
    Coke had to "voluntarily withdraw" Desani from the UK because, not only was it just processed tap water, but their processing method added bromate to the water, bromate is a carcinogen.
  • @Artofcarissa
    I’ll never forget when Nestle pumped water outside Flint Michigan for pennies on the dollar and sold their water back to flint residents 🤬
  • @thebowandbullet
    I live in a Canadian city with great tap water. Without fail, whenever I go to the grocery store, I still see scores of people stocking up on big boxes of bottled water. Such a waste of money and plastic, not to mention that microplastics from the bottles themselves end up in the water they contain. The more people fall for this in places with clean, free tap water, the fewer places with clean, free tap water we'll have.
  • @ripster8766
    We got a countertop water filter that holds about 2 gallons a few months back. It’s been a game changer
  • @idraote
    Here in Italy we have a slightly different situation in that bottle water is usually mineral water, that is water coming from a spring. Nestle wasn't happy with that, though, and now you also find tap water bottled. Problem is, our plumbing is kind of old. In many cities water has a bad taste and we don't want to drink that, even though it's safe.
  • @austin.paquette
    Proud to say that I haven't bought a bottle of water in years. I live in Ontario where our water is perfectly fine so I just fill a Brita-like dispenser and put it in the fridge. It never sat well with me as a kid, seeing my family buy tons of bottles of water, to just drink in the house and throw away. There are tons of disgusting habits we have as a society and bottled water is up there at the top. I never believed the "cleaner than the tap" bullshit.
  • @itsmegiorgio
    My in-laws are old and sick. Yet they still find the strength to carry a shit ton of bottled water from the store to home. My wife and I bought them a under-sink purifier but they don't use because they're just too used to bottles and tap water "tastes bad". They don't even cook with tap water anymore. It's just insane
  • @roguecode2354
    some places in the US are now showing contaminated tap water also, it seems like a small price to pay for not dying to to some covered up spill that occurred up stream somewhere.
  • What bothers me is how Fiji water claims it’s untouched by humans, but if it is, how the hell did it get into the bottle? Also, why does literal water have to be expensive, let alone required to paid for? We literally need it to live
  • @takehirolol5962
    As a Third World citizen, my Latinamerican country has drinkable tap water.
  • @soutarm
    Love the episode of Penn & Teller's "Bullshit" where they had a "water sommelier" serve people fancy water only to reveal later that all the water had come from the hose out the back.
  • Let’s not pretend like all bottled water is the same though. Some just taste better than others. Dasani and Aquafina are some of the worse tasting IMO; they taste like rubber or plastic. When I need to buy bottled water, I go for spring water or water with minerals added because it just taste better.
  • @NothingXemnas
    The thing about ill-intentioned groups being the first to attend disasters is very similar to how mafias work. Well known in Japan is the fact that Yakuza used to be the very first to do search & rescue missions, as well as provide food and water to families displaced by earthquakes, floods and typhoons. It was a way to approach and scout people into the mafia. Yakuza also LOST a lot of power in the last few decades so that probably isn't true anymore, but the point stands; we live in a world where charity is so necessary that it became exploitable by organized crimes, and it IS exploited by such groups.
  • @betatree
    Really loved the video. It shows how absolutely insane the concept of putting water (available for free mostly everywhere) in a plastic container to then sell it is. Also, if I might add, I'm not sure the idea of chemical words being unpronounceable should be a point/argument at all when talking about chemicals. Anything can sound scary or dangerous when using its chemical name, and dihydrogen monoxide is not dangerous just because it might seem like it by its name.
  • @marcusthelegend
    In Denmark, I can drink tap water, which tastes like water with sometimes a hint of metal, but still better than bottled water, and its weird and sometimes plastic taste. But in Thailand, I have to survive on bottled water for the entire visit.
  • @chinnychian
    I'm from the Philippines and tap water here according to the water source supplier is safe enough to drink but apparently the plumbing is not the best and can have leaks/holes that can contaminate the water. The refilling station thing is not convenient for me so I bought a filter instead and my water now tastes like bottled mineral water lol