What if I delete the fence while a raptor is climbing it?

Published 2021-11-26

All Comments (21)
  • Other raptors: “what have you done now frank?” Frank: “I don’t know…… but I’m scared.”
  • @dinomation
    He's like "wait dim not supposed to be up here, lets me jump down" lol
  • Raptor entered god mode for a few seconds. It will only get worse once it enters it more
  • @MarieaMcMinnar
    Fence: Stops Existing Raptor: Has a classic Wile E. Coyote moment and momentarily rethinks his life.
  • @GG101_
    The raptor when into creative mode
  • Next: What IF you turn on the electricity while the raptor climbing it, that’s not half bad idea. Edit: thank you for the likes!
  • @Quinntus79
    I believe, scientifically this is known as the Wiley Coyote effect. Where gravity does not work until the subject looks down.
  • @1wayroad935
    "What is she doing?" "She's starting to believe."
  • @chaseross700
    In an alternate universe: The Raptor: “I can FLY!” The Fence: “Nah m8.” The Raptor: Takes all 100 fall damage getting knocked
  • @ghaniKSW2
    i mean it wouldn't be the first time I've heard that a dromaeosaurid could fly
  • @foofoo3344
    If the game was made by Bethesda, the Raptor would be flying into the air or glitch into the ground
  • Not sure why this was recommended to me, but I learned something new today. Thank you.
  • @xenodragon77
    That's perfectly normal for dinosaurs to do. Ark taught me that.
  • @SiLva_SuRfa
    It’s just like those cartoons where someone runs off a cliff and only falls after realising they went off the cliff.
  • @navajokid9336
    It's like a cat jumping off a table lol so cute, especially the sound it makes when stepping on the grass.
  • @clairebun
    Game: "The fence doesn't exist anymore" Raptor: "Oh okay, I'll get off"
  • @malusignatius
    That's actually a (probably accidentally) clever way to avoid players 'gaming' fences... The fence essentially exists until the dino jumps down. I see this as a feature, not a bug.
  • @PatoChu
    i mean its expected, the animation is already created and in most games, animations ignore the physics of the game