Build Your Mental Resilience with Krystle Kustanovich

Published 2024-04-09
Have you ever wondered what sets apart those who thrive in the face of adversity from those who stumble? Today, I invite you to explore this intriguing question as I embark on a journey into the realm of mental resilience. Joining me is the insightful Krystle Kustanovich, an expert in the field, to unravel the mysteries of cultivating inner strength and fortitude.

Krystle is an accredited mental performance coach who works with professional athletes and high-achievers on their mental performance as they navigate the steps to achieve the next level of their success.

In a world where physical endurance often takes the spotlight, the significance of mental resilience cannot be overstated. So, let's delve into this vital aspect of human capability and discover how to harness it’s power for personal growth and success.

What we talked about?

Crystal's background and expertise in mental coaching for athletes and celebrities.
Understanding the fear response and its impact on resilience.
Practical strategies for building mental resilience in daily life.
The importance of self-awareness and beliefs in shaping resilience.
Daily practices for building mental resilience, such as mindfulness, sensory awareness, and labeling emotions.
How to navigate setbacks and challenges with resilience and positivity.
How the prefrontal cortex, when activated with positive emotions, supports mental resilience and creative problem-solving.

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