Rambling about Jagex accounts being made mandatory

Published 2024-01-05

All Comments (17)
  • Sween eluded to some anti-bot measures they were in the works of on a QA livestream. If forcing the launcher is part of their overall plan to reduce botting and cheat clients then i'm fine with it. They have also fixed all my big problems with the launcher from when they first implemented it. It's no secret that the big wigs at the top have tried to inject MTX into OSRS after they saw the game was flourishing. They lost in some ways but ultimately succeeded in the form of bonds. I do think we'll see the day we have MTX in the form of cosmetics in the not so distant future.
  • @livingsocks
    7:49 you are 100% correct, I was thinking something similar to this which you've made clearer and more detailed to me here.
  • @tosmok
    great video, and it's only just beginning look at that dirty laundry list of updates they want to make
  • 2:18 THANK YOU!!! Finally, someone actually caring about Linux users! Thank you for making this video and actually talking about it. I looked into converting to a Jagex account, since I thought it might be easier to manage multiple characters, but the instant I found out about the lack of Linux support, I was instantly against them. I'm not changing my operating system solely to play OSRS, thank you!
  • @basicnpcc
    If I had to guess, it's a prevention measure for non-verified runescape clients (to help prevent bot farms). They likely have (or will have) verification checks on the client code the launcher runs to ensure it isn't modified. Jagex wants some code that they can pack in security features without potentially breaking integration with runelite.
  • Runescape is there most played game but they are working on more stuff which isn't announced so it can also be a way for them to prepare for these future endeavours while also bettering security for there flagship game. The Linux support sucks but I hope and think this will probably will be fixed it's fairly new and they will still update a lot as well as add a lot. Aslong as the osrs community has something to say about every update MTX is gonna be tough but who knows what the future holds
  • @tommy3184
    I think its very good for the game, this will reduce the amount of bots that get forced in the game and will be easier to ban. You also tackle a lot of the AHK launchers this way ando ther 3rd party clients that are prohibited.
  • @livingsocks
    I think M already said this but you are being pretty damn eloquent for a "rant" lol
  • 7:27 a for profit business making business decisions in hopes of increasing profit? Wooooow who could have seen this coming guys?! But Nawh for real I’m nearly 10 mins in and I’m failing to understand why it’s a bad thing. Because it’s change? Because it’s different? The only “valid” point you make is the Linux issue which almost for sure doesn’t effect even a fraction of the amount of people you claim it will. 8:21 lmao “change weird. Change bad.” 9:13 the customer support situation is a sad one for sure. The executives don’t wanna do it because it will only burn money with no return. It seams like you only dislike it because it’s being forced. I suspect the reason it’s being forced is because forcing an intrusive anti cheat is likely their next step in mitigating the bot and cheating issue. If you’re crying now wait till they tell you that you can only play with a program running in the back round that actively scans your PC’s files for cheats. 10:04 why the launcher? I mean you already said it. It’s a business move but it’s also a convenience to any player that uses multiple accounts. A better question would be “why not” and you’ve failed to answer that 10 mins into the video. Yeah it’s a 15 min nothing burger where the only point you make is about Linux. Again probably even LESS than 1% of the playerbase. They only make up about 1% of TOTAL steam users. .04% of unity gamers. There just aren’t that many Linux gamers out there and OSRS doesn’t exactly have a massive player base. Only 126k people online from the time of me posting this and how many of them are bots which lowers the number further…even if we liberally apply the 1% statistic to that number we are left with a whopping 126 people. The executives could not and I emphasize COULD NOT give a shit less about 126 canceled accounts. Not even a blip on their radar. Edit: yah boi fucked up with my math. Meant to say 1,260 accounts. My point still stands. Linux user will never be the priority as you don’t make them nearly as much money to justify spending on you.
  • @Jrakula10
    yea man i hate having more security
  • @7svn.
    Launcher counters account sharing and is fine. You dont have to use a third party to play... Can play runelite on launcher... Yall need to stop complaining its not bad
  • @frydas1
    Runescape players and complaining about anything.
  • @Noobalator
    The Jagex account and their launcher is just dumb all around. They claim it's for security, which is a joke considering Jagex is literally one of the worst developers behind a game when it comes to player feedback/Support. The launcher isn't going to really stop any bots, I can bot fine with a Jagex account off of their launcher. It's another L in their book overall. Edit: People in the comments saying to stop crying, he's literally giving valid points and criticism about it.
  • @whitefeather511
    They're a complete waste. Unfortunately Jagex are extremely leftist and support is run by the employees that are viewing the data of this as readable with complete bias and without gathering integral data which is why they're forcing it. I was one of the most prolific hackers to exist on RuneScape in its entire history (Zak Plagued) and I have enough knowledge to know they're doing it only for PR. One of the problems running a game is when the masses don't know what they're talking about, I couldn't for example post on Reddit without getting down-voted as the truth cannot be disbanded from the appearance of egotism. I'm simply correct, that's all. Niche subject. The biggest problem is actually the fact that the majority of players aren't elitist, nor will they bother reading blogs about their security. In 5 years time, you can think in terms of probability how many of those people actually kept their backup codes. If you lose your email, and cannot get it back. You can consider it gone forever.
  • @Nes924
    One, I doubt there's thousands of players using linux to run this game, lol. Stop your complaining, it's going into a better direction. Cry more.