The Real Life Psychology Behind The Tetris Effect

Published 2018-11-09
If you haven’t seen it already, the Tetris Effect Trailer that Playstation dropped back in June is one of the most moving advertisements in a long time. It mentions a study about amnesiacs who can’t form new memories, and how they dreamed of playing Tetris hours and even days later. So today on Psych of Play, were going to take a look at that study and what is actually going on.

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Games Shown:

Tetris Effect (2018) - Resonair
Tetris NES (1984) - Philips, Sega
Tetris Worlds (2001) - THQ
The “New” Tetris (1999) - H2O entertainment

Movies/TV shown

Your Name (2016) - Toho
Memento (2000) - Summit Entertainment
Finding Nemo (2003) - Walt Disney Pictures
50 First Dates (2004) - Columbia Pictures

   • Video  

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   • Tetris Effect - E3 2018 Announce Trai...  

Music Sources:

Giant Step - Ben Prunty
Yours Forever - Tetris Effect
Humanity’s Last Chapter - Tetris Efect
Stories about the world that once was - Chris Zabriskie
Impulse - Ben Prunty

Research Sources:

Stickgold: Dreaming cement’s learning, Main Study

Types of Amnesia

Optimization and Shaping thoughts

Main study summarized…

Hippocampus and Procedural Memory…

Memory Retrieval…

Declarative VS Procedural

Welcome to Daryl Talks Games

Hi! I’m Daryl, and on this channel I explore the intersection between video games, psychology, and real life.

I’ve talked about how Pokemon and the Generation Effect can make you a better student. I’ve made a video on why game developers really should understand functional fixedness. And I’ve interviewed some of the best speedrunners on Earth to find out how exactly they make setting world records look so easy.

Primacy and Recency, subconscious associations, classical conditioning, divergent thinking, amnesia (the disorder not the game), if its psychological concept that relates to games, I’ve probably talked about it before or will in the future. But to be clear, psychology isn’t all I talk about. Every now and then I’ll dabble in a little bit of game design and sometimes I’ll just talk about life and how games really can make it better... and for some people are the best way to relate to the world around us.

So if all that sounds like a good time to you, subscribe to my channel, watch my videos, and if you feel so inclined, show a friend! If you take a look at my videos, I truly hope that you learn something or are entertained and that your day is better after watching!

*All images, graphics, and fonts created or found with,,, and Lightworks v14 editing software.*

#PsychofPlay #TetrisEffect #Amnesia

All Comments (21)
  • @TalysAlankil
    5:00 all i can think of is kingdom hearts "the memories are all there, but the chain of memories is broken"
  • @veraalves6874
    When I played Portal 2 for the first time, I played a long non-stop session. Got stuck in a puzzle and went to sleep, and while dreaming, I swear I saw the solution for it while dreaming about it. Next morning, just I saw in my dream, there was the solution for the puzzle. Seeing the clip of the programmer gave me chills, and the brain is weird
  • @OrangeC7
    This is also why it's commonly believed that when learning a language, "full immersion" is often seen as the most effective method of learning. By constantly surrounding yourself with a language you don't know, especially without any aid about what is going on, your brain will find it necessary to start "practicing" in subconsciously.
  • @Lukz243
    that makes me wonder: do androids dream of electric sheep?
  • Once again another strength of muscle memory, even for logical tasks, has been discovered!
  • @Otome_chan311
    Hi, I'm someone who suffers from memory issues. And how you described it matched perfectly to my experience. I can recognize stuff just fine (usually), or be reminded of things (sometimes), but trying to explicitly recall something always results in failure, especially if it was recent. Lots of repetitions usually helps make things stick in my mind better and improves my recognition, which then fades as I don't interact with things. Emotional stuff and motor skills are largely unimpaired (I still have a few fond memories of my past, but they're few and far between). I don't have any dreams whatsoever, and no it's not just forgetting them. I just lack any such experience (skipping over the night, rather than experiencing a dream and then forgetting afterwards). I wouldn't say I'm an amnesiac since I can remember some stuff, especially with lots of repetition and consistently appearing. But if I don't talk to someone for a week or so, there's a good chance I'll forget them entirely. It's very weird to watch things that I've seen before, but forgot I've seen. There's this weird feeling of "oh yeah I remember this" but not actually remembering it. And that feeling really makes going back and playing older games, or remakes of older games an absolute joy. This video was really neat to watch. Thanks :)
  • @animeworldorder
    This is really impressive work that you're doing, and it's a shame the Youtube algorithm doesn't think to promote it above the noise that it elects to show people. I hope you keep at it, since it's the sort of thing that not just anybody can do for themselves.
  • @slwilliams13
    So that explains why I keep dreaming of playing Tetris a month after I started playing Tetris 99
  • @murnimi
    2:25 does this mean I'm an "expert" because i've logged 100 hours of Tetris in the last 5 weeks alone? NOPE, I'm just an addict!
  • @GCAT01Living
    As a comp sci major, I have written code in my sleep. So crazy. This is such a cool phenomenon. The brain is so cool!
  • @quwyn6192
    3:58 bro this editing is fantastic the way it shows how they would dream tetris feels so realistic
  • @atomicmokka599
    I can leave a comment before the video premieres? YouTube is wild
  • @EtraGames
    Really enjoyed the video! It went in a whole other direction than I anticipated but makes me curious if we could eventually induce these “learning dreams” If we could harness these dreams and that state of not focusing but being above peak performance you mentioned in your speedrunning video any human could increase efficiency exponentially, which is just fun to think about. Anyway great video!
  • @Greennoob2
    i remember vaguely, the year I had depression while also being obsessed with getting better at Smash4. I noted that I never had dreams, but also remember lots of times in french class where I said to myself I would rather be at home playing smash right now. I remember at least once where I consciously daydreamed about a new combo idea. it ended up working because I knew the frame data for some moves and could guess the frame data for the other moves based on how long I remember them all taking in different situations. The audio was extremely helpful for that kind of recall.
  • @Hydro.131
    i love the trailer it's not like others with this music in the back, text all over the screen, insane transitions with mega bass boost it's music that makes you want to cry, it makes you feel happy, and it's just so calming and somehow sad. it also makes me feel like i'm at a concert.
  • @jeanaaa2869
    even without sleepings, kinda like daydreams when my mind wonders, I will see cards set up for solitare and I will finish it but the cards sometimes change since its not real and I annoys me when that happens
  • @ricenbeans6353
    I had a similar experience while trying to up my skills in Smash. After trying to learn my character combos and how I should play in certain situations, I was literally practicing them in my dreams for several days. I would dream about being mid-battle and it was almost as if I was actually playing against another person, actually making new decisions. The crazy part was trying the things from the dreams actually boosted my skill quite a bit.
  • @lukemiller7450
    I like how the ending of 50 First Dates lowkey supports that the information is stored just unable to be retrieved. Thats pretty cool really
  • @MrPanda2002
    Extremely smart and well-made video as always man! I haven't actually seen the trailer (going to do that), but this was utterly fascinating. And I have to say, the way you presented it evokes real documentaries, and I absolutely love it. Keep up the amazing work!! :D
  • @selinnazsur2328
    Huh, interesting. So I'm not the only one that keeps playing a game in my head after hours of playing it irl. Even while trying to fall asleep. It happens especially with Tetris.