5 Secret Phrases a Narcissist Uses To Brainwash You

Published 2024-07-22

All Comments (21)
  • @beastman.330
    One thing I noticed is that in a normal conversation, they will turn it into an argument . Everything they say ,they will do the opposite.
  • There's also verbal abuse disguised as a joke. That may be part of the reason why people don't realize they grew up in an abusive home until they are older. At least that was my experience. My father felt entitled to say whatever he wanted to anybody, no matter if he offended or hurt their feelings, because in his mind if he meant it as a joke, then you were supposed to take it that way. If anybody ever offended him though, then you would never hear the end of it. Many people think of abuse as being only physical, but that's not true.
  • My father said: ”You must make compromises!” 😂😂😂😂 You know, what this means? He meant: ”You must give in.”
  • @dv52528
    I got to a point where I asked them "how do you want me to be?" Because EVERYTHING was my fault NEVER theirs and whatever I was doing, was wrong!
  • @carparthero
    i don't believe in coddling bullies or narcissists. if they're going to dish it out, they better be able to take it. humoring them only encourages more abuse. in my experience, the fastest ways to get rid of a narcissist are to let them know that you see right through them and to not give them supply. like all bullies, narcissists are cowards. they can't take a sliver of what they've dished out. the biggest secret the narcissist doesn’t want you to know (aside from their false mask of manipulation) is that not only are you capable of a healthy, successful, happy life without them…but that your happiness relies on getting rid of them from your life. cheers from southern ontario, canada 🍁
  • @3acres3
    1. If you treat me like I treat you, what would you do? They want you to stop pushing them to accountability. 2. Get over it, you have a habit of holding onto things. Ect... 3. It's not always about you, to a narestisic person, you are to be perfect. You expect reprosity..they don't give it. 4. You're too fat...but I'm your parent or partner so I still love you. If you ask why you say, they turn around 5. You are the only one who thinks like that... invisible triangulation. Trying to make you feel wrong to ask for understanding ect. They want you to function to what they want, maybe you have a different opinion they count you as an enemy. They want you as a carbon copy. There, I tried to do the best to put the 5 points down for you.
  • @ashton1952
    I used to get told "You determine our relationship". I was 14 at the time, the person was 40.
  • Having been raised by a paranoid schizophrenic narcissist sadist, I can relate with all of these!! I finally found enough love within myself to break the trauma bond and walk away from my mother and unhealthy family relationships!! I love myself today, and I do NOT mean that in the "ego" sense of the word. I am able to love and accept myself, and in doing so, I am able to love and accept others. I have HEALTHY boundaries today and accept the boundaries of others. It's a beautiful thing when we truly learn to love ourselves!!! 💕🌈💕🌈💕
  • You will not be a narcissist--the difference is INTENT. They need consequences--you need closure and an exit plan. Ignore the bullshit that falls out of their mouth. Say what you need to say and then walk away...forever. If your narcissist is prone to violence, have some backup present when you say what you need to. It won't affect the narcissist at all, but if saying it makes you feel better/stronger, say it loud, then go no contact and go forward with your own life.
  • @maow9240
    Wow that "you have to make them your enemie" hit home. Its how they isolate you. They make you not want to have anyone else in your life and they most definitely dont want anyone in your life that will have your back.
  • After leaving narcist I confused which is true which is false his lies are knocking my brain
  • @cindys.9688
    Number 5 was my mom EXACTLY. Most mornings we'd sit at the dining room table, drink coffee, and share the newspaper. Conversation would happen. Opinions might get shared. I'd agree with my mom (heaven help me if I didn't!) and add a thought or two. Mind you, I'm not confrontational. My intention was just to chat. But, without fail, she'd get huffy and leave the table. I couldn't win for losing!🙁 She'd then go put her makeup on and do her hair. Which is exactly what she'd do anyway! Even if I wasn't there. She couldn't just leave the table. She'd always leave the table in a huff. Which, of course, made me feel like crap. I felt like I did something wrong. Mind you, this would happen 3-4 times a week - for YEARS. Needless to say, that added to my insecurities.💔
  • @Dsrgroup555
    Narcissistic always try to blame about dressing patterns and says you are not capable of doing anything right.
  • I said a few times before the end,,, you have to take responsibility and accountability for your actions as we all do,that was the straw that broke the camels back!!!
  • @lindafolks
    Here is a good one the narcissist told me to get me to act out of character. They asked, “Are you a snowflake? Oh no, you’re just a flake!” It took everything I had not to laugh at the narc until I went home and laughed hard! When they were/are exposed, I’m laughed out! I have the peace of Christ for he vindicates me!! 🙏❤️🕊🌟🎶🌹🎚️⚖️ God bless you Danish!😊
  • Once again you hit the nail on the head. He lied about EVERYTHING. EVEN THE TIME OF DAY. THE SUN WAS BLAZING BRIGHT AT HIGH NOON BUT HE INSISTED IT WAS 2PM.
  • Exactly: ”Get over it! You hang on old things! …” (And I can escape the responsibility).
  • @ramyas8256
    They always say,Past is past, lets not talk about it. It didnt happen in 1947, but 3 months before in 2024.And the cycle repeats. I am 8 months pregnant now during the isolation and his silent treatment period, we lived in the same house as strangers and he only got onions to cook for himself.