My PCOS journey | How I lost 28kg with PCOS

Published 2022-08-27
Hi everyone! ♡

Today I’m talking about something that I have been dealing for several years and still am. I have PCOS and this how I lost 28kg with it.

All Comments (21)
  • After 9 years it has finally happened for my husband and I, we just found out I am 8 weeks pregnant, God bless me with the use of natural supplement, that helped me manage PCOS and helped me concieve fast please pray for a sticky baby.
  • @michelle1020
    You are amazing. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I am just going through the process of figuring out if I have pcos and I have found this video so helpful.
  • @kaname1994n1
    You got your period because you didn’t eat for long hours of the day which is healthy, so long as you eat a generous portion of food during the hours you eat. So I don’t think “starving” was necessarily bad for you. Some people lose periods when they’re skinny and starving themselves because their body needs food. Your body had enough fat storage to for it to not become unhealthy for you to “starve” This bring me onto how I lost weight by “starving” (intermittent fasting) I have PCOS and I’ve lost weight and reduced unwanted hair growth by doing intermittent fasting. We have microbes in our gut that cleans your digestive system when we don’t eat for 12-16 hours. The longer the better. If you’re constantly grazing the microbes don’t get a chance to start cleaning. Think of it as a cleaning crew, they can only clean the mess when no one is in their way. These microbes clean out any bacteria that can cause diseases and illnesses. Health starts from your gut. We don’t need to eat so much. If you give yourself a window to eat, you’ll be full and satisfied with the few hours you give yourself to eat. You want to aim to eat healthy food for at least 6 days a week. Have as much Protein during your eating window to fuel your muscles, reduce your carbs but not eliminate( half a cup of rice, half a cup of pasta) Have lentils, a big plateful with salad. And a good portion of vegetables along with yoghurt and fruits. You can literally have 2 to 3 meals within your eating window. Keep your 6 days as nutritional as possible. But one day a week allow yourself to eat whatever you want, but has to be within the window hour. So my husband and I pig out on fried take out for the one day a week. If there’s a day where you want to eat out with a friend for breakfast and dinner then go for it, don’t restrict yourself from the enjoyment of food. But don’t do this regularly, do it that one day and go back to intermittent fasting. You can drink coffee and water on an empty stomach, coffee for energy and water to clean out your system. You’ll see eventually you’ll have energy as long as you eat healthy and wont need coffee for energy. Along with intermittent fasting you have to do steps, even if it’s on the spot while you watch your favourite series. Aim to do 10+k steps. While you’re on an empty stomach walking will burn fat. That’s how I’ve lost weight and reduced the unwanted hair, if anyone would like more info then let me know and I’ll try to help.
  • Yes more updates ! I lost weight under the guidance of a nutritionist ( calorie deficit) weight training and 2000mg metformin plus inositols … whew! And now my weight is stuck at 80 for 4 weeks . Started at 96!
  • @CatherineHa
    So amazing! I'm about to take metformin for my PCOS! Thank you for sharing this. I'm curious what dose did you start with? And What dose are you currently on?
  • Hey! Thank you for sharing your journey, its good to see that I'm not alone in this. I've got PCOS too and just started metformin a week ago, just wondering if you are still taking it? My doctor prescribed it to me for 3 months and I'm wondering about the next steps after the 3 month line.
  • @habiba6039
    Hey girl, thanks for the video I also struggled with my period at 13 got a scan done, turned out to be a cyst they told me I’m young it will go by it self , at 14/15 i suddenly gained around 20 kg tried to get appointments but my gp was shit I literally found it easier to fly to my home country got diagnosed there in no time got metformin at 16 my period came after stopping for 7 months , my acne cleared a little bit and the hair that I have is less but I still haven’t lost weight yet..
  • Hey! ☺️ I love the work and dedication you have on your weight loss journey! Keep inspiring! New buddy to your channel! Let us get big together!
  • @BarbiieTwist
    im currently at 100 kgs ive gained about 20 kg so fast and haven’t lost anything in two years i was diagnosed two years ago and was put on birth control since i had the worst acne ive ever had. since getting on the pill my acne has gotten much better but my weight has increased so much. i have stretch marks all over my stomach and ive been so depressed. I just want to be happy i feel like i cant do anything right i dont like the way i look im so uncomfortable in my own body
  • @teresac-n4214
    My Doctor won't give me anything to help lose weight he says I need to be severely obese. I was working out 5 days a week cardio and weights and lost 20 lbs in two months and eating healthier. But the weight loss suddenly stopped and I've been at the same weight for a month now eating the same amount of calories. Idk whatever to do. I also started having horrible low blood sugar since I started working out many times. I get physically shaky, nausea, blurry vision, confused. Even if I eat protein before my workout it doesn't help. I just feel defeated. I don't know what else to do.
  • @beepboopbeep111
    Hey, idk if you will see this but I'm 15 andI'm pretty sure I have PCOS. I haven't told my parents about this but I am getting blood tests done at the end of July. Do you think I should bring this up to the doctor there? I also want to tell my mum but whenever I tell her about issues related to my health she blames it on me saying that I'm just unhygienic and honestly, up until a few weeks ago I believed her. But after hearing about the symptoms of PCOS e.g. abnormal hair growth and dark circles on skin, I realized that it wasn't only my lifestyle fueling these symptoms. I don't really know what the aim of this comment was but ig I just want some advice. It gets really lonely and scary keeping these things to myself and I just wanted someone to know about this. Thanks for taking the time to read this <3
  • Hi! Thanks for the video! It would be helpful if you could tell me how many mg of Metformin you were prescribed. Do you recall the amount?
  • @Adi_x
    Hey dear My GF also Have this problem but she don't get any type of acne and obesity also and any type of body hairs am still confused but she gets irregular cycles what we can do for this can u plz reply my comment 🙂😢😢
  • @beckynewton3957
    I have pcos and its so difficult to lose weight and feel happy about myself
  • Question did you ever have your pituitary gland checked ? Also what was the name of the workout video on you tube ??? Thank you !
  • @sonaaaa3631
    Hi, what mg of metformin did you begin with? x
  • Hey can u pls tell what is ur period status now ? Aftr losing weight