Lessons from approaching 2,500+ women

Published 2024-04-24

All Comments (14)
  • @snowbear163
    I had to date probably 80 - 100 women before I became really really solid at just talking and making a date a whole experience. I've used it both as a screening process to keep from wasting time on women who don't matter, but also as a way to talk, laugh, and go through emotions and experiences all in the span of a few hours. No matter how much you read about theory, you've got to get out there and have the sit-downs and get so good at it that it's automatic. The men you're competing against haven't done the inner work, and they aim for low-effort dates with short-term goals. Master how to be someone who is compelling, interesting, and a magician, who can phase from serious to light and back with ease and emotional sophistication. Then you've truly become a master of your own frame that women are welcome to step in and out of without you veering off course. Women who come into my life become better no matter if they're in it for 1 date or several years, I create masterpieces. I can say it with confidence because I see the results over and over. I'm the magic man.
  • "you gotta break some eggs to make an omellete. im sure i creeped out tons of girls over the years". That was a powerful quote or statement I heard from another guy, a dating coach, who gives advice to men, it's in regards to men getting better at just approaching or interacting with women. I just want to be sure I interpret it or have the right mindset and that is, men even have to risk getting labeled creepy or just even screw up and mess up interactions, that results in getting negative reactions from women as in the woman is uncomfortable from the man's presence, makes her feel uncomfortable As in its part of the journey of getting better, do I have the right mindset or not? "It's the learning process. EVERY guy goes through that. Every GIRL goes through similar things, where she reacted in some awkward way to a guy, shooed away a guy she regrets shooing away and now assumes probably hates her, etc., etc. The way you deal with it is by continuing to improve socially, so you can be SMOOTH instead of awkward. This is what everyone does, men and women alike. It is part of the GROWING UP PROCESS." so is making mistakes socially with women, as in, getting labeled or perceived as creepy or weird when approaching, messing up interactions in which the woman was uncomfortable, is that part of the process of getting better? was the ever the case for you Timothy or guys you helped, knew? Do i have the right mindset, right perspective or not?
  • @philaman1972
    While your advice is not new, it's a good reminder of how important it is to believe in yourself in all aspects of life.
  • I like how you’re no nonsense. You speak only of variables we can control ! Rest is upto the gods but even they help only when we try ! Cool stuff
  • Dude you really blew up on Instagram!! Congrats. And on growing your Skool community Btw, I saw the finest girl at the park the other day. What’s your opinion on walking back after passing a girl? Sometimes I get in my head when I see a girl and I don’t decide to approach right away, but I decide I want to after I pass her and I want to go back. Do you think it would creep them out if I passed them and then walked back to approach? For context, I have had successful approaches before but I am very very rusty. It’s been a while.
  • @EddieMoffit
    @timothy how long did it take you to get confident approaching girls and good game ? What age did you start ?
  • @morm2173
    Also I think the city that you live in matters alot you'd be surprised in the US some cities and towns you can go weeks without seeing a hot girl to approach. Also, how do you persevere through negative reactions and rejection through the dry spells ? The dry spell for long makes it painful. Also, what incredible camera is that ?
  • @kieuzo
    why there is no sound? I can't hear anything in this video..
  • @chadsensei-ue6jn
    Imagine begging 2500 women to look in your direction. I just walk through a crowded space and collect smiling eyes.
  • @Star-he9ny
    I’m a woman and while I give you credit for approaching 2500 women and having the guts to go out there and do that… it might be the thing that bites you in the end. My initial reaction was it is a turn off. …the thought of being with a guy (I am not even talking sexually. I’m talking out on a date, hanging out and initially getting to know a guy) who has had THAT much exposure to other women 😮 Sooooooo many women to be compared with is I don’t know any other word to describe it except excessive and a turn off. I would get a feeling like I’m just part of “his work” it takes away the feeling of uniqueness and mystery which helps a woman feel sexy - to be with a self proclaimed expert who is focused on studying me to add to his experiences with figuring out women - instead of out with an great guy who genuinely wanted to get to know me and hang out making our own memories and experiences together. Just the two of us and just for us. Like i said I would feel strange to know deep down that I am essentially a focused part of your work. The date wouldn’t feel authentic sadly 😢