green/brown gas/monoatomic HHOi/ neg. energy/transmutation

Published 2013-01-05
here is an experiment to try and grow/transmute/change wave length, electrogyzing machine.
"Prof. Brown, during his 27 years of studying water and its atomic structure and
experimenting with the disassociation of water into its constituent parts of
hydrogen and oxygen has noted that there are many variations of the atomic
structures of the various waters dependent on the mixing of the three hydrogen
isotopes (1H - protium, 1H2 - deuterium, 1H3 - tritium) which combine into 6
combinations of hydrogen and the 6 oxygen isotopes (8O14, 8O15, 8O16, 8O17,
8O18, and 8O19) -- or practically, 36 types of water -- 18 are stable and 18
have short life.

Accordingly, because of all of these types of water, we could be 36 types of
Brown's Gas, and even more with special modifications of the gas; at the moment
only a few are under investigation. His studies have led to the observation that
the anomalous behaviour of water depends on the ability of water to modify
energetics and physicochemical properties of the various permutations of the
hydrogen/oxygen isotopes. As is known the lifetime, modes of decay and thermal
neutron capture cross-sections vary significantly between these isotopes;
likewise, Brown has seen the various stages of his gas offer very different
effects. He has found that he can modulate a number of suitable mixes for his
technology, thus providing an engineering tool in decontamination of nuclear waste.

George Wiseman
This is ONE of the Brown's Gas transmutation techniques I've been telling people about for years. Anyone using an electrolyzer, particularly some designs, will notice sediment forming. In only two clean-outs of one of my electrolyzers I measured 19 pounds of material. When the material was analyzed, it contained all the elements that make up the stainless steel plates in my electrolyzer. When new, my electrolyzers contain 19 pounds of plates, and when I weighed the plates after cleaning them... they still weighed 19 pounds. NOTHING but pure water was ever put into these machines and they are under constant pressure (my machines are never open to the atmosphere) so my theory is that the Electrically Expanded Water (ExW) formed in the electrolyzer can become 'imprinted' and will transmute into new elements. Anyone can replicate my electrolyzers, full plans are in my Brown's Gas Book 2. I haven't tried using gold or silver plated plates yet, but it is certainly on my list of things to do.

All Comments (2)
  • Lets share our experiences with transmutation, growing gold, and the likes. I like how David "Hhydrogen4Power" uses sodium bi sulfate as an electrolyte in some of his projects! I use sodium meta bi sulfate to "drop" my gold precipitate when I'm refining gold.