Flat Earth Truth! The Horizon Always Rises?

Published 2017-08-07
Main video starts at :39

Flat Earthers frequently claim that the "horizon always rises to eye level". Is this actually true? Furthermore, if it WAS true would it prove a flat Earth? Has any flat Earther even demonstrated that it IS true? (Answer: No).

Okay, flat Earthers, here is your chance to prove once and for all that the Earth is indeed flat: The Proof Project! ( 5

minute video:    • Flat Earth Truth!: The Proof Project   ) Basically, it is an offer for flat Earthers to set up an experiment where

two teams (with an equal number of flat Earthers and round Earthers on each team) would head south from opposite sides of

the Earth - One from the eastern hemisphere and one from the western hemisphere - and then meet at the South Pole

After a cost estimate is obtained for such an endeavor, a crowd-funding campaign should be set up and then we can promote

the heck out of it so that lots of people can see the offer and donate to the cause.

All Comments (12)
  • @wdane794
    Well if logic stopped flat earthers, we would not be here.
  • Subbed for more videos, and for more of the hilarious flat earth conspiracy comments.
  • The "side to side" curvature is so small ( because of the massive size of the globe) that even small waves , ocean swell and tides will easily hide that curvature.
  • Absolutely a stunning video. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Keep up the good work.
  • The argument of "zoomed in", implies that you are comparing a circle. A slice removed off the top of a ball would leave a circle and when zoomed in from a panoramic viewpoint and it all looks level indeed -- but when standing on a disc slice. We are standing on a ball, no? How far can one see anyway? We certainly can't see too far because of weather, condensation, pollution, the medium of air and so forth. Sight is disturbed and especially close to the ground where the medium of air is thicker / denser. I follow flat earth ideology, not because it's proven to be flat, but it's certainly not what is in the books of physics and it's certainly not what mainstream rhetoric says either. I stand on the side of flat earth, only because it raises awareness and gives rise to the important fact that WE need to ask who, why, and again who gains? And who is really in control, and why again. Even in the teaching of physics, it is discussed that relativity can't be proven, so in order to make calculations as close as possible we have to assume the system first; the train passes the pedestrian on the ground or the pedestrian on the ground watches the train pass; the sun moves or the move moves around the sun is relative and cannot be proven. That's the theory of relativity in a nutshell. Back to the argument though. If you are 6 feet tall and a man stands at 3 feet tall is right next to you, then you will look down on him. If the 3 foot man walks, say 300 feet, away from you then you should only slightly look down on him and the farther away he walks the lesser you will look down. If you are standing on a large basketball, say a diameter of one thousand feet and then applying the scenario of the 6-foot and 3-foot man again; the man should necessarily have to look down on him because not only will his perspective change, but his height will be cut off due to the drop in altitude wrt the 6-foot man and the basketball's curvature. Seek truth is all I am saying. Maybe the earth has a 50 thousand mile diameter? That may also be true.
  • I'm calling it,Loki is a certified flatards troll. Typical troll nature. 1.Constantly spams shit irrevelant to the video 2.Claims victory at every turn 3.Asks for shit but when we give it they deny it(ITS CGI!) 4.Doesnt even try to prove the flat earth at all,just sits there and things they have an argument against the spherical earth.
  • @p-brane8358
    Just watch my video, "A HORIZON WILL FORM ON A FLAT EARTH"
  • Go watch Wofie6020 , an actual commercial airline pilot flies for Qantas A 380s, he shows horizon drop from 45 thousand feet.
  • @alexblake5743
    This video is a fail. Do an image search for long hallway. If the corridor is long enough you can't see the end. The floor, ceiling and wall appear to converge at a point at eye level. Again, the floor APPEARS to be rising and the ceiling appears to to dropping to meet the floor. This is how perspective works on flat surfaces at a distance. This is what we see outside. It's obviously not curving. The horizon is the limit of your perception.
  • @alexblake5743
    You don't even understand what flat earth people are talking about. You don't understand the laws of perspective. Have you done the math for how much curve we should be seeing? It's a lot of curvature!