A Warning to America

Published 2023-02-28
Rabbi Schneider shares spiritually where we are at in America and where we are going.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Lifesbeengood
    I don’t care what people think, this man is telling the truth. I’ve seen society falling off a cliff just in the time I’ve been here. Lord bless this man
  • What I like about Rabbi Schneider is that he is honest and straight to the point.
  • This is a powerful message that should be broadcast over hijacked radio stations. I have a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. 5 years and 80,000 dollars later, all I learned was how to make small churches big. Never how to actually save souls through the identification of evil soul ties. Thank you, Rabbi Schneider. May Yeshua continue to bless and use you. Amen. Shalom
  • @nevermind258
    This gut wrenching message is what this world needs. Pastors need to forget about losing members. It is about telling the truth.., in love. Bless you man of God!
  • @HappyHermitt
    I lead a Godless life for more than 40 years. My sins ran deep and they will be with me until I die. I destroyed my family out of selfishness. I'm now a truly repentant man and I'm grateful I'm still alive and have the chance to turn my life to Christ. He is truly in my heart and I pray for mercy and forgiveness daily.
  • @44sbennett
    My Father left my mother for another woman. It messed me up when it comes to trusting anyone especially men. I am now in my 50’s and I feel like I am healed finally to a place that I know my Father is given me His name YOD HEY VAV HEY He put it on me. It sure did take awhile I was 12 when my dad left. And it took until I was around 50 that I had a Father and gave me a freedom to know I am not an orphan Praise Yawah.💗🌸😊
  • May God bless you, Pastor. It is time for us Christians in America to arise and shine. The enemy is roaming around looking for whom to devour. It is our duty to influence the world and not to be conformed by the patterns of this world.
  • @marywinn8953
    When my son was born in 1986 I quit my job and stayed home until he started 2nd grade. I loved it and I wouldn't have had it any other way. My husband backed me 💯.
  • I agree 100%. Those who put their hope in a political party or politician to fix things will always be disappointed. Those who put their faith truly in the Lord will never be disappointed
  • @shawndelong5977
    I agree with everything he has said. May God have Mercy upon us all🙏🙏🙏
  • @buddyboys1233
    i am a jewish man and i love this man’s passion and truly sent from a great place to give wonderful message
  • My husband and I lived a modest life & I was able to stay home with our children. I felt so blessed being able to do that. My children are now grown & starting their own families.
  • @natjuarez6015
    Please pray for our nation. Our families are also breaking apart 😢
  • I was born-again in December 1971 and have always been a student of learning the Bible rightly divided and I have to say that this may be one of the best sermons pertaining to the last days that could be the days we are currently living in. I particularly enjoyed and agree with Rabbi Schneider's teaching about fearing God and self-examining ourselves so God will not have to judge us for living a careless spiritual lifestyle. We know God loved David and David had a heart and desire to follow God and to be pleasing to Him, however David failed Him when he had a relationship with Bathsheba and David received hard judgment from God such as losing the child born to Bathsheba, the rebellion of Absalom and his death, and wars and internal problems with his kingdom. When David numbered the children of Israel, against God's will as God wanted David to trust Him, not in the number of his people and military, God allowed a death angel to take the lives of 70,000 people. I said all of that to say this, as we grow stronger and more knowledgeable in our relationship with Jesus He expects us to obey Him and when we don't He reproves us so we will live closer to Him in obedience and not disobedience. This sermon by Rabbi Schneider was not "sugar coated", but was an accurate sermon about America and the unrighteous path we are currently walking down at this moment. Many churches do not teach about the conditions of the world during the last days because it is a negative and fearful subject matter, however what Rabbi Schneider taught is exactly correct that we are living in the "last days" and conditions in America and the world will continue to get difficult until Jesus comes back for His born-again believers at the 7th trumpet sound. All of the difficult conditions of the "last days" can be found in the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, Luke Chapters 17 and 21, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, Daniel chapters 7-12 and Revelation chapters 6-22. God never intended for His followers to be ignorant about the "end of the age" and the difficult living conditions due to the rise of evil so He gave us many chapters of the Bible to teach and instruct us if we will just take the time to study.
  • @Fuzzball777
    This mans honesty is one of a kind! Hes a teacher we can listen to because he's so genuine! Not scared to tell the hard truths
  • @mygirlsh65
    Thank you, Rabbi Schneider, I have been saying for years that America is like old Israel. God blessed this nation and it has TURNED its back on HIM, and it has left HIM. But GOD will have MERCY on HIS children. PRAISE the LORD!!!
  • @Jedmontson
    Thank you Holy Spirit for giving us fresh revelation during these difficult times 🙏🏾
  • @aloomis2005
    I’m not Jewish but I was raised in church I agree with this rabbi I’m glad I came across this I believe in was he is saying god bless him
  • I love Rabbi Schneider...I watch him every chance I get ..He is right on with his preaching / teaching 👏 love love love him ....He preaches the truth of the scriptures ....I thank God for him ...such a blessing !!❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏