Is Halo Infinite Any Good Now?

Published 2024-06-09
Figured it was my turn to start beating the dead horse, known as Halo Infinite. While it's not all bad, I wanted to take a look and see if it's worth playing in 2024.
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All Comments (21)
  • @davemac9563
    Despite what everyone on YouTube says, I love Halo Infinite’s multiplayer. It just had the worst launch of any halo game. Like a well made cake without frosting. But now I’m enjoying it every day. Ton of maps, a good max ranked reward, and the match composer is a blessing. But the monetization is ruining this games potential since you can’t get much rewards by just playing. But I still have fun with this game, it feels awesome to play
  • I mostly only play campaign and campaign style forge maps. But I freaking love it. Over 300 hours easy
  • @coreysleep8922
    Those complaining usually haven't played the game much. The good has always outweighed the bad for me, and now that the desync stuff has been reworked, it's a consistent and rewarding experience with too much content to play. Still lacking some polish, shop stuff is trash (but I never buy) and I wish LAN was easier to set up on Xbox (more a gaming problem than a Halo problem) but small problems when the core gameplay is probably the most fun I've ever had in a multiplayer experience.
  • @Hollowtide
    it couldve been great. truly unfortunate. i still enjoy playing though
  • @firebreather190
    Great video! I would suggest reworking your audio mixing so its a little louder on mobile speakers. Other than that, good points, the halo infinite engine and gameplay is rrally tight, its so unfortunate that they took such stupid decisions to totally kill the game.
  • Me: “Infinite is finally where it should’ve been at launch. I can’t wait to see the new stuff they’ll bring now!” 343: “This is the perfect time to stop supporting Infinite.”
  • Playing ranked, building a team, and grinding to Onyx, as well as competing in local tournaments is where it's at for me. I feel like its the best arena shooter out right now. I don't care about battle passes or career ranks as they don't effect the gameplay. I've only played the casual gametypes a few times. The bandit update made it feel more like halo reach, which is a big win!
  • It’s the same as it’s always been. Atleast it’s better then 4 and 5 but that’s not saying much
  • No one mentioning the epic state of current Forge and opening the gates for current user content? People are adding their own campaign style modes/maps….. and that is amazing!
  • @Butley
    To me it feels like 343 has slowly been chipping away at the foundation that bungie built, and that halo is just so good that it has been able to resist 343 chipping away at it. I like halo infinite but its hard to not be disappointed at so many of 343's decisions.
  • Personally I feel it doesn't have a any real long time investment like past games did. Even though a lot of people said it lacked content and that was the reason but honestly it's deeper than that.
  • Great video. Rewatching at least 2x. Halo is basically the only thing I play. I appreciate the fairness in your opinions. I’ve now Liked and Subscribed:)
  • @daveo2992
    9 and a half minutes I can tell you in one word. No
  • @CoolJ9
    Halo infinite keeps crashing on the loading screen on my pc though Xbox game pass :( I was so excited to play
  • @StrongBull417
    I got so bored of COD. Went back to Halo Infinite. Already enjoying it better than COD. I can actually have fun in Hali Infinite.
  • @Sw4zzy-5394
    unpopular opinion: infinite is the best halo (as a long time halo fan too)
  • Halo Infinite started strong with the gameplay and art style but it’s been on a pretty steady downhill spiral since they launched the free multiplayer. The weapon rebalancing felt bad, and the PVP is literally unplayable. Admittedly I’m a 9-5’er so I don’t have time to put a ton of hours into the game, but why am I getting put in high elo lobbies with absolute sweats in unranked game modes? It’s ridiculous. The MMR is so broken and I honestly don’t see myself coming back until it gets fixed.