The Authority to Forgive and Retain Sins

After Jesus' Resurrection, he appears multiple times to the apostles and upon doing so, he does something unique: Jesus commissions his apostles to be "sent" just as he was "sent" by the father.

Jesus commissions, authorizes, and deputizes his apostles to continue the same mission he started.

The good news isn't just that Jesus is back from the dead but that the power, authority, and mission that Jesus had is now bestowed upon the 12 apostles.

And, what does this authority enable them to do? Among other things, to only do what God could do in a first century Jewish context: forgive not just sins one commits against them, but sins people commit against others.

Notable Quote:
"Now, in a 1st Century Jewish setting, this is a staggering bestowal of authority, because as we see from elsewhere in the gospels (like in the gospel of Mark), when Jesus forgives the sins of the paralytic, they say, “This man speaks blasphemy. Who can forgive sins but God alone?” It’s a divine power. It’s a divine prerogative to forgive sins. And amazingly, now Jesus gives that divine authority and that divine power to the Apostles. And so, it’s very crucial here to stress that in order for them to both forgive and to retain someone’s sins, the implication is that they would somehow know what those sins are."

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コメント (21)
  • @Cal0rb
    One thing I learned through catholic catechism this year is that misconceptions and things I didn’t understand as a Protestant made complete sense after being explained to me in 5 minutes by smart Catholics haha
  • I live in a town in Italy with population of 1200 people On Easter monday today, only 20 people attended. I said to myself, that I would be here with only 20 people rather than be in a protestant church with thousands. Jesus is here in this tiny church and his presence is palpable now that things are so bad
  • I've been a Protestant for 25 years. Every teaching I have ever heard on this, always an attempt to debunk Catholic teaching, has been utterly confusing and often a word salad. This explanation is the clearest and most compelling explanation on this topic I have heard. Thanks for the video
  • @PInk77W1
    • a lady told Bishop Sheen in confession “I’m the worst woman in NYC.” Bishop Sheen said “No, the worst woman in NYC thinks she’s the best woman in NYC.”
  • Dr. Pitre is always the best to listen to...just like Dr. Scott Hahn. Bless him!
  • This is GREAT, Dr. Pitre ... please continue with these short videos which are SO helpful for catechesis!
  • Thanks, am keen following this, its interesting, deeply inspiring! God bless u.
  • @rody3199
    Second video I watched on this channel and I'm loving it! Very intelligent man right here! This video has great emphasis and quality.
  • @Dale65378
    My True Almighty Saviour Father God the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth he is the only one to forgive all of my sins the Lord Jesus Christ has said preached unto us within 2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Amen see that God will forgive your sins if you Truly humble yourself and confess your sins to Heavenly oh righteous saviour Father God the Lord Jesus Christ you truly believe on the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth Amen 😊
  • I can't thank you enough Dr. Brant Pitre for your devotion in educating people, especially Catholics. We needed you. May God bless you always.
  • 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 (KJV) 5 But if any have caused grief, he hath not grieved me, but in part: that I may not overcharge you all. 6 Sufficient to such a man is this punishment, which was inflicted of many. 7 So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow. 8 Wherefore I beseech you that ye would confirm your love toward him. 9 For to this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things. 10 To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ; 11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.   Paul here exercises his authority with regard to forgiving sins in the presence of Christ and to reconciling a repentant sinner (perhaps the man mentioned in Paul’s previous letter who committed incest) to the Church. In this way also do Catholic clergy forgive sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Protestant view that Church leaders have no authority or involvement in the “binding and loosing” of the sins of Christians is false.
  • @PInk77W1
    The Roman Catholic Church The Church is one The Church is holy The Church is apostolic The Church is dynastic The Church is Hierarchical The Church is messy The Church is Mystery The Church is teacher The Church is Mother The Church is universal The Church is sacramental The Church is authoritative The Church is visible The Church is unchangeable The Church is missionary The Church is the Kingdom of God The Church is TRUTH The Church is the bride of Christ The Church is the mystical body of Christ The Church is in the world not of the world
  • God created humanity so that it is in communion with Him. Due to weakness man succumbed to temptation and thus the communion was shattered. The reason is sin. The purpose of Christ's coming is to restore the communion or to reconcile humanity with God. Jesus showed the Way how to do it. So Christ is our redeemer. But creation is an ongoing process and sin continues. But Christ in the revealed form of God would not stay with humanity forever though He is with us sacramentally. As creation and sin continues, so must reconciliation and forgiveness of sin a continuous process. The handing of the power to forgive sins is necessary if redemption is to continue. As the priests forgive sins in the name of Christ, it means that Christ Himself is doing the act. This is the greatest gift God can give humanity.
  • Ok yes even though we have that authority Jesus also makes it clear in the sermon on the Mount in Mathew 6:14-15 for if you forgive those who have sinned against you then your Heavenly Father will also forgive you of your sins, but if you do not forgive others of their sins your Heavenly Father will not forgive you of your sins. So yes Jesus grants that’s authority but it’s also implicit that we should forgive all sins committed and not bind up for if we do God will not forgive us of our sins
  • @ottovonapps
    Hopefully you all do realize he messed up on his koine greek in using matthew 16:19 to back up his claim right? Its actually in future perfect tense: "whatever you bind on earth shall have already been bound in heaven...." Its not gonna work.