Couple Who Fell To Their Death At Yosemite Died While Taking A Selfie, Family Says | TIME

A 30-year-old woman and her husband fell to their deaths in Yosemite National Park, reportedly while taking a selfie.
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Couple Who Fell To Their Death At Yosemite Died While Taking A Selfie, Family Says | TIME

コメント (21)
  • @l0rth1c
    The crazy part is that you know they didn't fall simultaneously. One slipped and as he or she was falling, grabbed the other... there by killing them.
  • @JoeLackey
    That’s a rough way to go out. Be careful, folks.
  • @SChapps
    I'm interested in what their other photos are like. I don't understand why they were taken down, it was clearly their passion and they wanted to share their experiences of travelling
  • "The pair often pose for extreme photos ... - " 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
  • wow, scariest thing is the comments in this comment section. Really restores your hope in humanity...
  • Why risk your life for a stupid picture ??? My God ! And don’t give me that “YOLO” baloney ..
  • We have a hiking trail with a drop similar to this on a MUCH smaller scale (people who fall live. Paralyzed 50/50%) I can go within 3-4ft of the edge but I cannot imagine turning my back on it. My body has a physical response that encourages me to get low to the ground. I try to climb towers on vacation or rides that have a steep climb….idk. I can look at these things and not feel that fear and I don’t have any problem going UP…but if I get too high. (And I’m talking high) and look over, my body says NOPE and I’m going to be hugging the floor if we don’t go back the way we came. I’ve always called it my self preservation kicking in lol. My kids say I have a fear of heights. 🤷🏼‍♀️ if I HAD to climb up to save one of my babies? I think I could. If I don’t HAVE to… body ensures I know when it feels unsafe. I can climb a ladder and sit on the roof of a house. I can go up a fireman’s ladder. I’ve done those things without fear. It’s just certain stuff I guess. If there’s a risk of falling. Hard to explain. If I’m on a pier that’s not even as high as some other things I’ve been on just fine and the railings on the pier are spaced enough that one of my kids could fall over….my gut won’t stop screaming and I won’t let my kids near it. Maybe it’s a fear of one of my babies being injured more than a fear of the thing itself? Deep. Thank u for coming to my Ted talk.
  • @andym28
    Yogi bear is like "you dumbasses"
  • I thought i made lot of mistakes in life. But thank god i din make one lik this
  • Wonderful! Too bad it wasn't recording video as they went over.