Obese Pets Weight Loss Transformations | My Big Fat Pet Makeover

Published 2020-11-07

All Comments (21)
  • @MsNoPixel
    They said Chihuahua & I went ”hold up... that’s a Chihuahua?!” it doesn’t even look like a chihuahua anymore.
  • @taystiii
    BEAU NUGGET!!!!!!!! Desperately waiting for an update on him!
  • @AzlianaLyana
    They're cute, but I wish the owners would be more responsible. Good luck to all the chunky chonkies. Keep 💪💪💪
  • @Rachelbee
    Good on them for helping the dogs but I still always wonder how it gets THIS BAD? My dog puts on 2 to 3 pounds all my vets start talking!!
  • @raqui174
    Owner: over feeds pet until they can hardly walk Also owner: surprised pikachu face
  • This is a form of animal abuse in my eyes. The owners are at fault and I get it, dogs look at you with the cute, food begging face and they get what they want. Obesity in animals is a killer and it drastically hinders their quality of life in so many ways. They can't run, play or do normal dog behaviors due to the extra weight. They have leg, hip and back problems, not to mention the strain on the heart and other organs in the body. I applaud the owners for getting the help these animals desperately needed to live healthy, happy lives going forward.
  • I'm not buying the whole "we love em so much we just spoil em" uh no if you are the reason your pet gets like this=you are an abusive owner and there is no excuse🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️if you wouldn't starve ur pet then why tf would you stuff their face to an early grave
  • @maritza6422
    Pets don't have a long life span to begin with, so, how in the world do pet parents allow this to happen?
    How anyone can let their pets get severely obese is beyond me. They should be charged with neglect.
  • The sharpei doesn't want to do anything because he's so overweight, not because he's a "chill" dog! It makes me very sad to see this, not to mention how much food was in the cat's bowl, they don't need it filled to the brim! People need to realise that just because their animal meows or barks, it doesn't mean they want food just give them attention instead :/
  • As someone who also has a pig in the house, I know how hard it is to not feed them. They're cute, loud, angry, and very opinionated. But pigs will literally eat themselves to death, they're never full, and over feeding them can be life threatening. I feel so bad for that pig
  • @avivamae5171
    It's not just Gracie, all of their dogs look overweight. :(
  • @mysticmouse7673
    Thank you for helping these poor creatures that are being fed to death. It's sad to see them struggle so.
  • @shawtysosha5027
    I never understood how it could get to this point .. I understand that some people love their animals, they’re their babies and want to spoil them but cmon.. that’s just a different form of neglect and abuse in my opinion. The poor dog needed a knee replacement! The pig can barely walk or run! The dog can’t play like other dogs can! It’s sad ... I’m happy They got it sorted out
  • I feel like these pet owners just made a mistake and didn't take note till it was too late. I get that not observing your animals diet was a form of abuse, but the fact that they put effort into righting their wrongs seems like a step in the right direction to me. Cut them all some slack, guys.
  • My kitty's name is Bobo (often just called "Bow") and looks like a miniature Buea Nugget, but he also loves food just like him! We just have to have a limit! Hopefully all of these sweet furr babies are at a healthy weight now!
  • @aviancag8716
    Omg baby is adorable, his nails being painted is to funny and cute.
  • "It breaks my heart to see her like this" um yeahh...cuz shes the one putting food in her bowls and giving herself treats and not walking herself? Yeah no