It Only Takes Two Weeks

Published 2024-01-16
In this video I talk about catching up with mathematics. If you feel you are behind then this video might be helpful. Do you have any advice for people? If so, please leave a comment below.
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All Comments (21)
  • @kebogu6123
    Your arms are more jacked than mine, therefore i believe you
  • @Loma008
    I failed my final 70/200. Last semester my dad passed away, I was barely in class and I was never even that strong in math. My professor let me retake the exam. I had less than a week to prepare and I just studied really hard a couple hours every day and I got a 170/200. Never limit yourself. You really can do it.
  • @lewispole1831
    I did my undergrad accounting and finance dissertation in 17 days last year and I got a high 1st. This is not to brag, but there is something so powerful in propelling yourself out of whatever grave you have dug yourself into and actually pulling it off. You forget how competent you are sometimes. It’s not over until it’s over.
  • @kveeshinator
    To condense what this guy says in 9 minutes: It's 100% possible to catch up in just 2 weeks, no matter how behind you are, if you just work hard and want it bad enough
  • @deltapi8859
    this applies to everything. concentrated and effective effort propels you onto a different plane.
  • @X0RK3
    I have nothing to do with MATHS. I just listened and applied this to one of my own problems. If anyone’s reading this, listen carefully and focus on what you want to work on! Stay blessed
  • @sm6658
    literally cried, I needed that "you can do it" so bad.
  • @dvs6121
    I knew a guy who got top marks in every course. He said he "did every problem in the chapter". It also helps IMMENSELY to have a peaceful life outside of school. Doing Math requires a calm, clear state of mind so you can concentrate.
  • I was very shy when I went to university...I felt inferior to everyone...I had a bad case of "imposter syndrome". The result was that I messed around and wasted time and failed all my classes. I just felt hopelessly out of my depth all the time, and felt I couldn't ask anyone for help because they'd think I was stupid...everyone else just seemed orders of magnitude cleverer than me. As I've grown older, I've realised that my problem was "confidence", not "stupidity" (not helped by the fact that some of my peers deliberately undermined my confidence...something else I didn't realise at the time) and work ethic (or lack thereof). I should have made more of myself, and I regret it now...
  • @jotarotto4363
    Problem is that I'm not in class. I'm in life. And i'm failing
  • @Ladyrosethewitch
    YouTube recommended this to me and I am grateful. I'm not a student,my problems are nothing math related, but this actually is good life advice.
  • @anNPC-4Life
    Who is this guy... This is the product of self-reflection and a man who has learnt all that life has given him.....
  • @HiteTricks
    This is so motivating! I needed to hear this right now. My precalculus class has been kicking my butt!
  • At 56, I took my first math class since 1989; pre-calculus, which I finished this past December. Pre-calculus here is a semester course and I finished with a 94.15%. It was not easy. Like mentioned in the video here, it is "total immersion" in study. If you're going to work in computational matters, physics, etc., there is a mastery of the subject that goes far beyond just passing tests. Over break, it is devising a curriculum to stay up on logarithms, trigonometry, exponents - the basics - to stay sharp for calculus. Detailed and organized notes are absolutely critical. I would tab each class's notes and my study notes, so I could refer back. And, I would go to office hours for help working out those ratty little problems that seem impossible. It was kind of a kick; like, "Who's this old guy perusing the Math Department." Reading material prior to class is also essential to stay ahead of the curve and get the most out of what is being taught. You must have some idea of what is going to be taught before having it presented. When you get organized and prepared to this degree, you find that the subject matter is very distilled, and you see the connections. Epiphany: The student of calculus is forever a student of algebra and trigonometry. If I can do this after being away from undergraduate school for nearly 35 years, you can do it. I enjoy this channel. Thanks for making these videos.
  • @MonsDez.
    This quote literally hapenned to me, I had passed 4 months believing I was gonna fail ALL disciplines on school, but on the last 3 weeks, I made studying a priority and spent morning till night in the library, I know it wasn't a perfect efficient system as I even got sick because of it, but in less than 14 days of planning and executing I suddendly started to get almost perfect marks and ended up achieving something I once thought was impossible, I actually passed 😂🎉
  • @zeshanahmad4434
    Gives the information upfront. That deserves a comment. Thank you.
  • @bog6106
    Your videos leave me feeling more optimistic about diving into "hieroglyphic" math concepts. Thanks. I was in special education up until the start of high school to give some context