Preparing for Separation - Men's Divorce Podcast

Published 2024-05-16
Join Kristin Zurek, Senior Litigation Partner at Cordell & Cordell, and Matthew Rudo, Lead Litigator, as they delve into the crucial steps of preparing for separation on the Men's Divorce Podcast.

Kristin and Matthew discuss the importance of having an early consultation with experienced counsel and being well-prepared for that initial meeting with a list of pertinent questions and key issues to address.

Kristin and Matthew also cover the sensitive topic of moving out of the house, especially when children are involved, highlighting the importance of having a clear structure in place for their care and ensuring adequate living arrangements. They offer strategic tips for managing finances during this transitional period, including setting up separate accounts, protecting your assets, and responsibly managing joint financial responsibilities.

Additionally, the discussion emphasizes the value of seeking support from a therapist or counselor to navigate the emotional challenges of separation. Tune in for expert insights to help you confidently prepare for separation and protect your interests throughout the process.

If you are facing divorce and not sure where to turn, contact a Cordell & Cordell divorce attorney.

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