Where have the videos been?

Published 2024-04-13
Your guess is as good as mine. Here's the tweet showing what YT claims has bad no no evil words on it:


I'll get back around to videos when I get there. Dunno when that'll happen, but it will some day!

For everything else: twitch.tv/gryphonamx (Mon-Thurs 7pm to 11am EST, normally) twitter.com/gryphonamx and gryphonamx.bsky.social

All Comments (3)
  • YouTube will dreg you on "hate speech" if there's anything not in support for very specific movements or groups.. if you say anything that can be somehow interpreted to being "not in support" of them, you'll get banged hard. I'm so sorry this is happening, but we're here with you.
  • @Kraine4
    Just stumbled upon your channel through this video and you really dont sound like a person screaming hate speeches , youtube really are just dumb