Trying to Explain the Weird Comics I Made As A Kid

Published 2022-06-25

All Comments (21)
  • Pineapple Lord is such a great villain because he subverts a lot of the typical villain tropes. For example, many "all powerful behind the scenes characters" will oftentimes have their henchmen be revealed to be weak, but in this universe Pineapple Jacob is the final form of the Pineapple Lord. It's such an interesting twist because it really pushes the characters to their limits. Alexander and Jacob might have fought before, but this is the true test of that. Jacob might have died before, but this is the true test of that. It's taking previously used elements and pushing them up too eleven. I'd liken it to the final level of a video game recontextualizing the things you've seen in previous levels. This is not even bringing about how he manages to foil every character of the main cast. The empty void of loneliness perfectly parallels mecha mole's loneliness upon not having a family anymore. He parallels Alexander's constant commitment to friendship even in the face of horrible violence. He parallels even that first suicide bomber character that one weird kid wanted to be. He's the perfect foil. And Pineapple Lord is so amazing because of the same thing you talked about with the Wall. It might be a ridiculous villain, but he has so much depth and character underneath the surface. What should be a joke character exploited into a compelling antagonist. Not to mention Pineapple Lord is an effective villain because he is just that, effective. Most villains will dilly dally and walk around their goals in order to give their heroes a chance. But Pineapple Lord knows what he wants, and when he sees something isn't working he changes it. He takes out Jacob when he sees something not working. This isn't even taking into account an incredible feat for a villain, he wins! He manages to take over everything for 5 whole years. Take that Thanos. While his motivations might not seem very sympathetic at first, I'd compare them to a character like Bill Cipher. He's been stranded in a void of nothingness for so long he craves anything. If taking over the multiverse means that, then that's what will happen. This is an incredibly complex worldview to have because it shows that despite his despicable actions, he's more chaotic neutral than anything. Should the series continue, there would be the possibility that Pineapple Lord might take a stand against other villains. This is already something he has been shown to be willing to do. He actively works against Racnoss and Dark Master. This means that given the right story, he might side with the heroes, something which is able to add an incredible amount of depth to a villain. I can understand where he is coming from in that context. Pineapple Lord is only foiled due to essentially 2 miracles. Alexander returning from hell, and him somehow eating all the pineapples. He doesn't go down just like any other villain, he goes down swinging and only lost because he was truly outplayed. He was good, but Alexander was just better. Then, he goes down with a nuke with both heroes sacrificing themselves. And the victory truly feels earned. In conclusion, Pineapple Lord deserves credit as an extremely well thought out and executed antagonist. Marvel needs to hire this man.
  • @Zavemann
    "Bear boy goes swimming!" "Bear boy gets pranked!" "Bear boy sabotages the last line of defense against a multiversal threat and attempts to flee the scene with the only thing capable of reversing the calamitous damages!" Bear boy is such a wild card I love it
  • @kosmicwaffle
    "I ate all the pineapples" is just the 12 year old version of "You should have aimed for the head" and I love it
  • @MeltedToast84
    I can just imagine if this was a movie franchise and then when they say "I ate all the pineapples" there is a huge applause by the cinema audience lol
  • @agedstring
    The fact Come Outside is canon in your old comic series is like if Little Einsteins was a world in Kingdom Hearts
  • @than0shark
    "You have to stop Alexander!" "Why, did he turn evil like I did?" "No, he's just a massive dick." THIS IS SO FUNNY TO ME
  • The sentence “Bear Boy gets pranked into almost comminting suicide” is a lot more funny then you would expect.
  • Turning the main character of a British Children's Education into a genius who's developed infinite knowledge from travelling the English countryside is unironically one of the coolest ideas I've heard of
  • @perry-1572
    I find the inclusion and later exclusion of kids you knew in the comic really funny, cuz it makes it seem like the characters are played by actors who are fired or quit because of workplace drama
  • @alexnewby2004
    Hear me out. Pineapple lord exists within a blank void outside of the multiverse, so maybe the reason hes a pineapple is because thats the best way human minds can percieve him without fucking dying. Maybe bears can withstand seeing his true form, and because od it, he sabotages mecha mole as hes the only one that knows what they're truly up against. He knows that whatever they do, theyll lose, and so he wants to spare his friends the suffering of reliving it all
  • @igkmiydlmganh
    For what it's worth, you had really good handwriting as an 8-year-old.
  • @justncase5988
    I did something similar when I was a kid, I made a comic series with some of my friends. I had a falling out with one of them, so I gave him stage 5 cancer in the next issue and showed it to him at school the next day.
  • The fact that he didn't just give up on making the comics but made an ultimate ending to go with the death of The Alexander and Jacob series.
  • @CJDrewlan
    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Alexander and Jacob. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Alexander’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Alexander and Jacob truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Alexander’s existential catchphrase "I shot him in the balls with a nerf gun," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Alex Lennen's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have an Alexander and Jacob tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎
  • This is like the boys if the boys was written by a genius and was drawn by Leonardo Di'Vinci. Truly stunning stuff
  • @camdencap4974
    When your teacher said you can't draw anymore humans it was like when the Comics Code was made and it censored comics during the silver age.
  • @deadfish7396
    I’m glad I wasn’t the only kid that wrote a long ass comic series with lots of blood and gore and random characters with weird plots for years lol And for some reason watching you go through all your old comics really makes me want to get back into making no scrip random story comic great video as well dude
  • @kenmdrt
    It's interesting how your comics went through a series of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Ages. Like, they went from a series of monster-of-the-week oneshots; to family friendly nonsense about a boy who is a bear; to this multiversal war that takes all the material that came before, and takes it seriously, and weaves it into an immaculate story. And then, after the multiversal threat was thwarted, the comics went into the 90s and became grimdark and the characters started swearing.
  • @user-nq9lv2by1c
    This is the most I’ve ever genuinely laughed, thank you, can we all appreciate Alexander’s sweet ass post time skip hair ?
  • Honestly, I kinda like the ending you did when you were 12 because it kinda serves as your transition from childhood into adulthood. All of your childhood heroes putting up the fight of their lives against an enemy that has never seemed so real and all encompassing. I see it as you making all of your little creations giving you one final push into the wild dangerous world of adulthood. It’s great. Like, really great.