Make it a habit to feed city birds too!! 🏙️🐦

Published 2024-06-15
✅Concrete jungles may seem like inhospitable wastelands for wildlife, but city birds are surprisingly resilient. While they can find food scraps and insects, winter's harsh bite and a constant struggle for resources can make survival difficult. Here's where you can step in and become a hero to these feathered urbanites! Offering bird food in your balcony or window can be a game-changer. A simple tube feeder filled with a mix of black oil sunflower seeds, nyjer seeds for finches, and peanuts for chickadees is a gourmet feast for these birds. By keeping the feeder clean and topped up, you'll create a reliable food source, attracting a variety of birds. Soon, your balcony might become a bustling avian cafe, with chickadees flitting in and out, cardinals flashing their red plumage, and goldfinches adding a splash of yellow. Remember, a little food goes a long way, and you'll be rewarded with the delightful chirps and songs of these grateful birds, bringing a touch of nature's music to your city balcony.❎

🐦Blackbird (Turdus merula)

#BlackBird #birds #Bird

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